* applications/luci-olsr: Translation
[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-olsr / luasrc / i18n / olsr.en.lua
1 olsr_routes = "Routes"
2 olsr_topology = "Topology"
3 olsr_error1 = [[Unable to connect to the OLSR daemon.]]
4 olsr_error2 = [[To collect status information start the OLSR-Daemon and enable the "txtinfo"-Plugin]]
5 olsr_links = "OLSR-Connections"
6 olsr_links1 = "Overview over current OLSR connections"
7 olsrlinks_lq1 = "Success rate of transmitted packets"
8 olsrlinks_nlq1 = "Success rate of received packets"
9 olsrlinks_etx1 = "Expected transmission tries per packet"
10 olsr_mid = "MID"
12 olsr_desc = [[OLSR is a flexible routing protocol that supports building mobile ad-hoc networks.]]
13 olsr_general = "General settings"
14 olsr_general_debuglevel = "Debugmode"
15 olsr_general_ipversion = "Internet Protocol"
16 olsr_general_allownoint = "Start without network"
17 olsr_general_pollrate = "Pollrate"
18 olsr_general_tcredundancy = "TC-Redundancy"
19 olsr_general_tcredundancy_0 = "MPR-Selectors"
20 olsr_general_tcredundancy_1 = "MPR-Selectors and MPR"
21 olsr_general_tcredundancy_2 = "All Neighbors"
22 olsr_general_mprcoverage = "MPR-Coverage"
23 olsr_general_linkqualitylevel = "LQ-Level"
24 olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_1 = "MPR-Selection"
25 olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_2 = "MPR-Selection and Routing"
26 olsr_general_linkqualityfisheye = "LQ-Fisheye"
27 olsr_general_linkqualitywinsize = "LQ-Windowsize"
28 olsr_general_linkqualitydijkstralimit = "LQ-Dijkstralimit"
29 olsr_general_usehysteresis = "Use hysteresis"
30 olsr_interface_hellointerval = "Hello-Interval"
31 olsr_interface_hellovaliditytime = "Hello-Validity"
32 olsr_interface_tcinterval = "TC-Interval"
33 olsr_interface_tcvaliditytime = "TC-Validity"
34 olsr_interface_midinterval = "MID-Interval"
35 olsr_interface_midvaliditytime = "MID-Validity"
36 olsr_interface_hnainterval = "HNA-Interval"
37 olsr_interface_hnavaliditytime = "HNA-Validity"
38 olsr_loadplugin = "Plugins"