List all projects
Project Description Owner Last Change
10.03/openwrt.git OpenWrt 10.03 release branch svn:branches/backfire 12 years ago
10.03/packages.git OpenWrt 10.03 package feed svn:branches/packages_10... 12 years ago
12.09/openwrt.git OpenWrt 12.09 release branch svn:branches/attitude_adj... 10 years ago
12.09/packages.git OpenWrt 12.09 package feed svn:branches/packages_12.09 10 years ago
14.07/openwrt.git OpenWrt 14.07 release branch svn:branches/barrier_breaker 8 years ago
14.07/packages.git OpenWrt 14.07 package feed svn:branches/packages_14.07 9 years ago
15.05/openwrt.git OpenWrt 15.05 release branch svn:branches/chaos_calmer 6 years ago
build.git OpenWrt build scripts / config... openwrt No commits
feed/telephony.git OpenWrt feed for telephony... Jiří Šlachta 9 years ago
keyring.git Repository of release signing... OpenWrt No commits
openwrt.git OpenWrt main development branch svn:trunk 8 years ago
packages.git Repository of old unmaintained... svn:packages 8 years ago
project/firewall3.git OpenWrt firewall configuration... jow 6 years ago
project/fstools.git OpenWrt filesystem utilities nbd 6 years ago
project/iwinfo.git Library for accessing wireless... jow 6 years ago
project/jsonpath.git JSON parsing utility jow 6 years ago
project/librpc-uclibc.git Standalone librpc forked from... nbd 8 years ago
project/libubox.git C utility functions for OpenWrt nbd 6 years ago
project/luci.git Lua Configuration Interface... 6 years ago
project/luci2/ui.git LuCI2 UI modules jow 9 years ago
project/make_ext4fs.git Standalone fork of Android... jow 7 years ago
project/mdnsd.git OpenWrt MDNS daemon John Crispin 6 years ago
project/mountd.git OpenWrt automount daemon blogic 6 years ago
project/netifd.git OpenWrt Network interface... nbd 6 years ago
project/odhcpd.git OpenWrt DHCP Server John Crispin 6 years ago
project/procd.git OpenWrt service / process... nbd 6 years ago
project/relayd.git IPv4 pseudo-bridge routing... nbd 8 years ago
project/rpcd.git OpenWrt ubus RPC daemon nbd 6 years ago
project/ubox.git OpenWrt core utilities nbd 6 years ago
project/ubus.git OpenWrt system message/RPC bus nbd 6 years ago
project/uci.git OpenWrt Unified Configuration... nbd 6 years ago
project/uclient.git libubox HTTP client library nbd 6 years ago
project/ugps.git OpenWrt GPS daemon John Crispin 6 years ago
project/uhttpd.git Tiny HTTP server nbd 6 years ago
project/umbim.git OpenWrt MBIM modem utility John Crispin 8 years ago
project/uqmi.git Tiny QMI command line utility nbd 7 years ago
project/usbmode.git usbmode - usb_modeswitch repla... nbd 6 years ago
project/usign.git Tiny signify replacement nbd 7 years ago
project/ustream-ssl.git ustream SSL wrapper nbd 6 years ago
project/wwan.git OpenWrt 3G/4G connection tool John Crispin No commits