3 from = "modules/"..module_doc.name
5 from = "files/.."..file_doc.name
11 <dt><%=func.private and "local " or ""%><a name="<%=func.name%>"></a><strong><%=(oop and func.name:gsub("%.",":") or func.name:gsub(".+%.",""))%></strong> (<%=table.concat(func.param or {}, ", ")%>)</dt>
13 <%=func.description or ""%>
15 <%if type(func.param) == "table" and #func.param > 0 then%>
18 <%for p = 1, #func.param do%>
20 <%=func.param[p]%>: <%=func.param[func.param[p]] or ""%>
27 <%if type(func.usage) == "string" then%>
30 <%elseif type(func.usage) == "table" then%>
33 <%for _, usage in ipairs(func.usage) do%>
39 <%if type(func.ret) == "string" then%>
40 <h3>Return value:</h3>
42 <%elseif type(func.ret) == "table" then%>
43 <h3>Return values:</h3>
45 <%for _, ret in ipairs(func.ret) do%>
51 <%if type(func.see) == "string" then %>
53 <a href="<%=func.see%>"><%=func.see%></a>
54 <%elseif type(func.see) == "table" and #func.see > 0 then %>
57 <%for i = 1, #func.see do%>
58 <li><a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.symbol_link(func.see[i], doc, module_doc, file_doc, from)%>">
59 <%=(oop and func.see[i]:gsub("%.",":") or func.see[i]:gsub(".+%.",""))%>