--[[ HTTP server implementation for LuCI - luci handler (c) 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.httpd.handler.file", package.seeall) require("luci.httpd.module") require("luci.http.protocol.date") require("luci.http.protocol.mime") require("luci.http.protocol.conditionals") require("luci.fs") require("ltn12") Simple = luci.util.class(luci.httpd.module.Handler) Response = luci.httpd.module.Response function Simple.__init__(self, docroot, dirlist) luci.httpd.module.Handler.__init__(self) self.docroot = docroot self.dirlist = dirlist and true or false self.mime = luci.http.protocol.mime self.date = luci.http.protocol.date self.cond = luci.http.protocol.conditionals end function Simple.getfile(self, uri) local file = self.docroot .. uri:gsub("%.%./+", "") local stat = luci.fs.stat(file) return file, stat end function Simple.handle_get(self, request, sourcein, sinkerr) local file, stat = self:getfile(request.env.PATH_INFO) if stat then if stat.type == "regular" then -- Generate Entity Tag local etag = self.cond.mk_etag( stat ) -- Check conditionals local ok, code, hdrs ok, code, hdrs = self.cond.if_modified_since( request, stat ) if ok then ok, code, hdrs = self.cond.if_match( request, stat ) if ok then ok, code, hdrs = self.cond.if_unmodified_since( request, stat ) if ok then ok, code, hdrs = self.cond.if_none_match( request, stat ) if ok then -- Send Response return Response( 200, { ["Date"] = self.date.to_http( os.time() ); ["Last-Modified"] = self.date.to_http( stat.mtime ); ["Content-Type"] = self.mime.to_mime( file ); ["Content-Length"] = stat.size; ["ETag"] = etag; } ), ltn12.source.file(io.open(file)) else return Response( code, hdrs or { } ) end else return Response( code, hdrs or { } ) end else return Response( code, hdrs or { } ) end else return Response( code, hdrs or { } ) end else return self:failure(403, "Unable to transmit " .. stat.type .. " " .. file) end else return self:failure(404, "No such file: " .. file) end end function Simple.handle_head(self, ...) local response, sourceout = self:handle_get(...) return response end