--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local io = require "io" local os = require "os" local fs = require "luci.fs" local util = require "luci.util" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local posix = require "posix" local type, assert, error = type, assert, error module "luci.sys.mtdow" WRITE_IMAGE = 0 WRITE_COMBINED = 1 WRITE_EMULATED = 2 ERROR_INTERNAL = 1 ERROR_NOTFOUND = 2 ERROR_RESOURCE = 3 ERROR_NODETECT = 4 ERROR_NOTAVAIL = 5 ERROR_NOSTREAM = 6 ERROR_INVMAGIC = 7 Writer = util.class() -- x86 EmulatedWriter = util.class(Writer) EmulatedWriter.blocks = { image = { magic = "eb48", device = "/dev/hda", write = WRITE_SEPARATELY } } function EmulatedWriter.write_block(self, name, imagestream, appendpattern) if appendpattern then os.execute("grep rootfs /proc/mtd >/dev/null || " .. "{ echo /dev/hda2,65536,rootfs > " .. "/sys/module/block2mtd/parameters/block2mtd }") end return Writer.write_block(self, name, imagestream, appendpattern) end -- Broadcom CFEWriter = util.class(Writer) CFEWriter.blocks = { image = { magic = {"4844", "5735"}, device = "linux", write = WRITE_COMBINED } } -- Magicbox CommonWriter = util.class(Writer) CommonWriter.blocks = { image = { device = "linux", write = WRITE_COMBINED } } -- Atheros RedWriter = util.class(Writer) RedWriter.blocks = { kernel = { device = "vmlinux.bin.l7", write = WRITE_IMAGE }, rootfs = { device = "rootfs", write = WRITE_COMBINED } } -- Auto Detect function native_writer() local w = Writer() -- Detect amd64 / x86 local x86 = {"x86_64", "i386", "i486", "i586", "i686"} if util.contains(x86, posix.uname("%m")) then return EmulatedWriter() end -- Detect CFE if w:_find_mtdblock("cfe") and w:_find_mtdblock("linux") then return CFEWriter() end -- Detect Redboot if w:_find_mtdblock("RedBoot") and w:_find_mtdblock("vmlinux.bin.l7") then return RedWriter() end -- Detect MagicBox if fs.readfile("/proc/cpuinfo"):find("MagicBox") then return CommonWriter() end end Writer.MTD = "/sbin/mtd" Writer.SAFEMTD = "/tmp/mtd" Writer.IMAGEFIFO = "/tmp/mtdimage.fifo" function Writer.write_block(self, name, imagestream, appendfile) assert(self.blocks[name], ERROR_NOTFOUND) local block = self.blocks[name] local device = block.device device = fs.stat(device) and device or self:_find_mtdblock(device) assert(device, ERROR_NODETECT) if block.magic then imagestream = self:_check_magic(imagestream, block.magic) end assert(imagestream, ERROR_INVMAGIC) if appendfile then if block.write == WRITE_COMBINED then return (self:_write_combined(device, imagestream, appendfile) == 0) elseif block.write == WRITE_EMULATED then return (self:_write_emulated(device, imagestream, appendfile) == 0) else error(ERROR_NOTAVAIL) end else return (self:_write_memory(device, imagestream) == 0) end end function Writer._check_magic(self, imagestream, magic) magic = type(magic) == "table" and magic or {magic} local block = imagestream() assert(block, ERROR_NOSTREAM) local cm = "%x%x" % {block:byte(1), block:byte(2)} if util.contains(magic, cm) then return ltn12.source.cat(ltn12.source.string(block), imagestream) end end function Writer._find_mtdblock(self, mtdname) local k local prefix = "/dev/mtd" prefix = prefix .. (fs.stat(prefix) and "/" or "") for l in io.lines("/proc/mtd") do local k = l:match('mtd([%%w-_]+):.*"%s"' % mtdname) if k then return prefix..k end end end function Writer._write_emulated(self, devicename, imagestream, appendfile) local stat = (self:_write_memory(device, imagestream) == 0) stat = stat and (self:_refresh_block("rootfs") == 0) local squash = self:_find_mtdblock("rootfs_data") if squash then stat = stat and (self:_append("rootfs_data", imagestream, true) == 0) else stat = stat and (self:_append("rootfs", imagestream) == 0) end return stat end function Writer._write_memory(self, devicename, imagestream) local devicestream = ltn12.sink.file(io.open(devicename, "w")) local stat, err = ltn12.pump.all(imagestream, devicestream) if stat then return os.execute("sync") end end function Writer._write_combined(self, devicename, imagestream, appendfile) local imageproc = posix.fork() assert(imageproc ~= -1, ERROR_RESOURCE) if imageproc == 0 then fs.unlink(self.IMAGEFIFO) assert(posix.mkfifo(self.IMAGEFIFO), ERROR_RESOURCE) local imagefifo = io.open(self.IMAGEFIFO, "w") assert(imagefifo, ERROR_RESOURCE) ltn12.pump.all(imagestream, ltn12.sink.file(imagefifo)) os.exit(0) end return os.execute( "%s -j '%s' write '%s' '%s'" % { self.MTD, appendfile, self.IMAGEFIFO, devicename } ) end function Writer._refresh_block(self, devicename) return os.execute("%s refresh '%s'" % {self.MTD, devicename}) end function Writer._append(self, devicename, appendfile, erase) erase = erase and ("-e '%s' " % devicename) or '' return os.execute( "%s %s jffs2write '%s' '%s'" % { self.MTD, erase, appendfile, devicename } ) end