--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local nw = require "luci.model.network" local fw = require "luci.model.firewall" require("luci.tools.webadmin") m = Map("firewall", translate("Firewall"), translate("The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow.")) fw.init(m.uci) nw.init(m.uci) s = m:section(TypedSection, "defaults") s.anonymous = true s.addremove = false s:option(Flag, "syn_flood") local di = s:option(Flag, "drop_invalid", translate("Drop invalid packets")) di.rmempty = false function di.cfgvalue(...) return AbstractValue.cfgvalue(...) or "1" end p = {} p[1] = s:option(ListValue, "input") p[2] = s:option(ListValue, "output") p[3] = s:option(ListValue, "forward") for i, v in ipairs(p) do v:value("REJECT", translate("reject")) v:value("DROP", translate("drop")) v:value("ACCEPT", translate("accept")) end s = m:section(TypedSection, "zone", translate("Zones")) s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.anonymous = true s.addremove = true name = s:option(Value, "name", translate("Name")) name.size = 8 p = {} p[1] = s:option(ListValue, "input") p[2] = s:option(ListValue, "output") p[3] = s:option(ListValue, "forward") for i, v in ipairs(p) do v:value("REJECT", translate("reject")) v:value("DROP", translate("drop")) v:value("ACCEPT", translate("accept")) end s:option(Flag, "masq") net = s:option(MultiValue, "network") net.template = "cbi/network_netlist" net.widget = "checkbox" net.rmempty = true luci.tools.webadmin.cbi_add_networks(net) function net.cfgvalue(self, section) local value = MultiValue.cfgvalue(self, section) return value or name:cfgvalue(section) end return m