-- Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local ast = require("luci.asterisk") local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() --[[ Dialzone overview table ]] if not arg[1] then zonemap = Map("asterisk", "Dial Zones", [[ Dial zones hold patterns of dialed numbers to match. Each zone has one or more trunks assigned. If the first trunk is congested, Asterisk will try to use the next available connection. If all trunks fail, then the following zones in the parent dialplan are tried. ]]) local zones, znames = ast.dialzone.zones() zonetbl = zonemap:section(Table, zones, "Zone Overview") zonetbl.sectionhead = "Zone" zonetbl.addremove = true zonetbl.anonymous = false zonetbl.extedit = luci.dispatcher.build_url( "admin", "asterisk", "dialplans", "zones", "%s" ) function zonetbl.cfgsections(self) return znames end function zonetbl.parse(self) for k, v in pairs(self.map:formvaluetable( luci.cbi.REMOVE_PREFIX .. self.config ) or {}) do if k:sub(-2) == ".x" then k = k:sub(1, #k - 2) end uci:delete("asterisk", k) uci:save("asterisk") self.data[k] = nil for i = 1,#znames do if znames[i] == k then table.remove(znames, i) break end end end Table.parse(self) end zonetbl:option(DummyValue, "description", "Description") zonetbl:option(DummyValue, "addprefix") match = zonetbl:option(DummyValue, "matches") function match.cfgvalue(self, s) return table.concat(zones[s].matches, ", ") end trunks = zonetbl:option(DummyValue, "trunk") trunks.template = "asterisk/cbi/cell" function trunks.cfgvalue(self, s) return ast.tools.hyperlinks(zones[s].trunks) end return zonemap --[[ Zone edit form ]] else zoneedit = Map("asterisk", "Edit Dialzone") entry = zoneedit:section(NamedSection, arg[1]) entry.title = "Zone %q" % arg[1]; back = entry:option(DummyValue, "_overview", "Back to dialzone overview") back.value = "" back.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url( "admin", "asterisk", "dialplans", "zones" ) desc = entry:option(Value, "description", "Description") function desc.cfgvalue(self, s, ...) return Value.cfgvalue(self, s, ...) or s end trunks = entry:option(MultiValue, "uses", "Used trunks") trunks.widget = "checkbox" uci:foreach("asterisk", "sip", function(s) if s.provider == "yes" then trunks:value( "SIP/%s" % s['.name'], "SIP/%s (%s)" %{ s['.name'], s.host or 'n/a' } ) end end) match = entry:option(DynamicList, "match", "Number matches") intl = entry:option(DynamicList, "international", "Intl. prefix matches (optional)") aprefix = entry:option(Value, "addprefix", "Add prefix to dial out (optional)") ccode = entry:option(Value, "countrycode", "Effective countrycode (optional)") lzone = entry:option(ListValue, "localzone", "Dialzone for local numbers") lzone:value("", "no special treatment of local numbers") for _, z in ipairs(ast.dialzone.zones()) do lzone:value(z.name, "%q (%s)" %{ z.name, z.description }) end --for _, v in ipairs(find_outgoing_contexts(zoneedit.uci)) do -- lzone:value(unpack(v)) --end lprefix = entry:option(Value, "localprefix", "Prefix for local calls (optional)") return zoneedit end