--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.controller.freifunk.freifunk", package.seeall) function index() local i18n = luci.i18n.translate local page = node() page.lock = true page.target = alias("freifunk") page.subindex = true page.index = false local page = node("freifunk") page.title = "Freifunk" page.target = alias("freifunk", "index") page.order = 5 page.setuser = "nobody" page.setgroup = "nogroup" page.i18n = "freifunk" page.index = true local page = node("freifunk", "index") page.target = template("freifunk/index") page.title = "Übersicht" page.order = 10 page.indexignore = true local page = node("freifunk", "index", "contact") page.target = template("freifunk/contact") page.title = "Kontakt" local page = node("freifunk", "status") page.target = form("freifunk/public_status") page.title = i18n("Status") page.order = 20 page.i18n = "base" page.setuser = false page.setgroup = false entry({"freifunk", "status.json"}, call("jsonstatus")) entry({"freifunk", "status", "zeroes"}, call("zeroes"), "Testdownload") assign({"freifunk", "olsr"}, {"admin", "status", "olsr"}, "OLSR", 30) if nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/luci_statistics") then assign({"freifunk", "graph"}, {"admin", "statistics", "graph"}, i18n("Statistics"), 40) end assign({"mini", "freifunk"}, {"admin", "freifunk"}, "Freifunk", 15) entry({"admin", "freifunk"}, alias("admin", "freifunk", "index"), "Freifunk", 15) local page = node("admin", "freifunk", "index") page.target = cbi("freifunk/freifunk") page.title = "Freifunk" page.order = 30 local page = node("admin", "freifunk", "Index-Page") page.target = cbi("freifunk/user_index") page.title = "Index-Page" page.order = 35 local page = node("admin", "freifunk", "contact") page.target = cbi("freifunk/contact") page.title = "Kontakt" page.order = 40 entry({"freifunk", "map"}, template("freifunk-map/frame"), i18n("Karte"), 50) entry({"freifunk", "map", "content"}, template("freifunk-map/map"), nil, 51) entry({"freifunk", "services"}, template("freifunk-services/services"), i18n("Services"), 60) entry({"freifunk", "services", "content"}, template("freifunk-services/services"), nil, 61) end local function fetch_olsrd() local sys = require "luci.sys" local util = require "luci.util" local table = require "table" local rawdata = sys.httpget("") if #rawdata == 0 then if nixio.fs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route", "r") then rawdata = sys.httpget("http://[::1]:2006/") if #rawdata == 0 then return nil end else return nil end end local data = {} local tables = util.split(util.trim(rawdata), "\r?\n\r?\n", nil, true) for i, tbl in ipairs(tables) do local lines = util.split(tbl, "\r?\n", nil, true) local name = table.remove(lines, 1):sub(8) local keys = util.split(table.remove(lines, 1), "\t") local split = #keys - 1 data[name] = {} for j, line in ipairs(lines) do local fields = util.split(line, "\t", split) data[name][j] = {} for k, key in pairs(keys) do data[name][j][key] = fields[k] end if data[name][j].Linkcost then data[name][j].LinkQuality, data[name][j].NLQ, data[name][j].ETX = data[name][j].Linkcost:match("([%w.]+)/([%w.]+)[%s]+([%w.]+)") end end end return data end function zeroes() local string = require "string" local http = require "luci.http" local zeroes = string.rep(string.char(0), 8192) local cnt = 0 local lim = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 http.prepare_content("application/x-many-zeroes") while cnt < lim do http.write(zeroes) cnt = cnt + #zeroes end end function jsonstatus() local root = {} local sys = require "luci.sys" local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local util = require "luci.util" local http = require "luci.http" local json = require "luci.json" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local version = require "luci.version" local webadmin = require "luci.tools.webadmin" local cursor = uci.cursor_state() local ffzone = webadmin.firewall_find_zone("freifunk") local ffznet = ffzone and cursor:get("firewall", ffzone, "network") local ffwifs = ffznet and util.split(ffznet, " ") or {} root.protocol = 1 root.system = { uptime = {sys.uptime()}, loadavg = {sys.loadavg()}, sysinfo = {sys.sysinfo()}, hostname = sys.hostname() } root.firmware = { luciname=version.luciname, luciversion=version.luciversion, distname=version.distname, distversion=version.distversion } root.freifunk = {} cursor:foreach("freifunk", "public", function(s) root.freifunk[s[".name"]] = s end) cursor:foreach("system", "system", function(s) root.geo = { latitude = s.latitude, longitude = s.longitude } end) root.network = {} root.wireless = {devices = {}, interfaces = {}, status = {}} local wifs = root.wireless.interfaces local wifidata = luci.sys.wifi.getiwconfig() or {} local netdata = luci.sys.net.deviceinfo() or {} for _, vif in ipairs(ffwifs) do root.network[vif] = cursor:get_all("network", vif) root.wireless.devices[vif] = cursor:get_all("wireless", vif) cursor:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device == vif and s.network == vif then wifs[#wifs+1] = s if s.ifname then root.wireless.status[s.ifname] = wifidata[s.ifname] end end end) end root.olsrd = fetch_olsrd() http.prepare_content("application/json") ltn12.pump.all(json.Encoder(root):source(), http.write) end