--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- m = Map("wireless", translate("devices", "Geräte"), translate("a_w_devices1", "An dieser Stelle können eingebaute WLAN-Geräte konfiguriert werden.")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "wifi-device", "") --s.addremove = true en = s:option(Flag, "disabled", translate("enable", "Aktivieren")) en.enabled = "0" en.disabled = "1" t = s:option(ListValue, "type", translate("type", "Typ")) t:value("broadcom") t:value("atheros") t:value("mac80211") t:value("prism2") --[[ require("luci.sys") local c = ". /etc/functions.sh;for i in /lib/wifi/*;do . $i;done;echo $DRIVERS" for driver in luci.sys.execl(c)[1]:gmatch("[^ ]+") do t:value(driver) end ]]-- mode = s:option(ListValue, "mode", translate("mode", "Modus")) mode:value("", "standard") mode:value("11b", "802.11b") mode:value("11g", "802.11g") mode:value("11a", "802.11a") mode:value("11bg", "802.11b+g") mode.rmempty = true s:option(Value, "channel", translate("a_w_channel", "Funkkanal")) s:option(Value, "txantenna", translate("a_w_txantenna", "Sendeantenne")).rmempty = true s:option(Value, "rxantenna", translate("a_w_rxantenna", "Empfangsantenne")).rmempty = true s:option(Value, "distance", translate("distance", "Distanz"), translate("a_w_distance1", "Distanz zum am weitesten entfernten Funkpartner (m)")).rmempty = true s:option(Value, "diversity", translate("a_w_diversity", "Diversität")):depends("type", "atheros") country = s:option(Value, "country", translate("a_w_countrycode", "Ländercode")) country.optional = true country:depends("type", "broadcom") maxassoc = s:option(Value, "maxassoc", translate("a_w_connlimit", "Verbindungslimit")) maxassoc:depends("type", "broadcom") maxassoc.optional = true return m