--[[ UCI Validation Layer - Main Library (c) 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich (c) 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module( "luci.uvl", package.seeall ) require("luci.fs") require("luci.util") require("luci.model.uci") require("luci.uvl.datatypes") TYPE_SECTION = 0x01 TYPE_VARIABLE = 0x02 TYPE_ENUM = 0x03 local default_schemedir = "/etc/scheme" local function _assert( condition, fmt, ... ) if not condition then return assert( nil, string.format( fmt, ... ) ) else return condition end end UVL = luci.util.class() function UVL.__init__( self, schemedir ) self.schemedir = schemedir or default_schemedir self.packages = { } self.uci = luci.model.uci self.datatypes = luci.uvl.datatypes end --- Validate given configuration. -- @param config Name of the configuration to validate -- @param scheme Scheme to validate against (optional) -- @return Boolean indicating weather the given config validates -- @return String containing the reason for errors (if any) function UVL.validate( self, config, scheme ) if not scheme then return false, "No scheme found" end for k, v in pairs( config ) do local ok, err = self:validate_section( config, k, scheme ) if not ok then return ok, err end end return true, nil end --- Validate given section of given configuration. -- @param config Name of the configuration to validate -- @param section Key of the section to validate -- @param scheme Scheme to validate against -- @return Boolean indicating weather the given config validates -- @return String containing the reason for errors (if any) function UVL.validate_section( self, config, section, scheme ) if not scheme then return false, "No scheme found" end for k, v in pairs( config[section] ) do local ok, err = self:validate_option( config, section, k, scheme ) if not ok then return ok, err end end return true, nil end --- Validate given option within section of given configuration. -- @param config Name of the configuration to validate -- @param section Key of the section to validate -- @param option Name of the option to validate -- @param scheme Scheme to validate against -- @return Boolean indicating weather the given config validates -- @return String containing the reason for errors (if any) function UVL.validate_option( self, config, section, option, scheme ) if type(config) == "string" then config = { ["variables"] = { [section] = { [option] = config } } } end if not scheme then return false, "No scheme found" end local sv = scheme.variables[section] if not sv then return false, "Requested section not found in scheme" end sv = sv[option] if not sv then return false, "Requested option not found in scheme" end if not ( config[section] and config[section][option] ) and sv.required then return false, "Mandatory variable doesn't have a value" end if sv.type then if self.datatypes[sv.type] then if not self.datatypes[sv.type]( config[section][option] ) then return false, "Value of given option doesn't validate" end else return false, "Unknown datatype '" .. sv.type .. "' encountered" end end return true, nil end --- Find all parts of given scheme and construct validation tree -- @param scheme Name of the scheme to parse -- @return Parsed scheme function UVL.read_scheme( self, scheme ) local schemes = { } for i, file in ipairs( luci.fs.glob(self.schemedir .. '/*/' .. scheme) ) do _assert( luci.fs.access(file), "Can't access file '%s'", file ) self.uci.set_confdir( luci.fs.dirname(file) ) self.uci.load( luci.fs.basename(file) ) table.insert( schemes, self.uci.get_all( luci.fs.basename(file) ) ) end return self:_read_scheme_parts( scheme, schemes ) end -- Process all given parts and construct validation tree function UVL._read_scheme_parts( self, scheme, schemes ) -- helper function to construct identifiers for given elements local function _id( c, t ) if c == TYPE_SECTION then return string.format( "section '%s.%s'", scheme, t.name or '?' ) elseif c == TYPE_VARIABLE then return string.format( "variable '%s.%s.%s'", scheme, t.section or '?.?', t.name or '?' ) elseif c == TYPE_ENUM then return string.format( "enum '%s.%s.%s'", scheme, t.variable or '?.?.?', t.value or '?' ) end end -- helper function to check for required fields local function _req( c, t, r ) for i, v in ipairs(r) do _assert( t[v], "Missing required field '%s' in %s", v, _id(c, t) ) end end -- helper function to validate references local function _ref( c, t ) local k if c == TYPE_SECTION then k = "package" elseif c == TYPE_VARIABLE then k = "section" elseif c == TYPE_ENUM then k = "variable" end local r = luci.util.split( t[k], "." ) r[1] = ( #r[1] > 0 and r[1] or scheme ) _assert( #r == c, "Malformed %s reference in %s", k, _id(c, t) ) return r end -- Step 1: get all sections for i, conf in ipairs( schemes ) do for k, v in pairs( conf ) do if v['.type'] == 'section' then _req( TYPE_SECTION, v, { "name", "package" } ) local r = _ref( TYPE_SECTION, v ) self.packages[r[1]] = self.packages[r[1]] or { ["sections"] = { }; ["variables"] = { }; } local p = self.packages[r[1]] p.sections[v.name] = p.sections[v.name] or { } p.variables[v.name] = p.variables[v.name] or { } local s = p.sections[v.name] for k, v2 in pairs(v) do if k ~= "name" and k ~= "package" and k:sub(1,1) ~= "." then if k:match("^depends") then s["depends"] = _assert( self:_read_depency( v2, s["depends"] ), "Section '%s' in scheme '%s' has malformed " .. "depency specification in '%s'", v.name or '', scheme or '', k ) else s[k] = v2 end end end end end end -- Step 2: get all variables for i, conf in ipairs( schemes ) do for k, v in pairs( conf ) do if v['.type'] == "variable" then _req( TYPE_VARIABLE, v, { "name", "type", "section" } ) local r = _ref( TYPE_VARIABLE, v ) local p = _assert( self.packages[r[1]], "Variable '%s' in scheme '%s' references unknown package '%s'", v.name, scheme, r[1] ) local s = _assert( p.variables[r[2]], "Variable '%s' in scheme '%s' references unknown section '%s'", v.name, scheme, r[2] ) s[v.name] = s[v.name] or { } local t = s[v.name] for k, v in pairs(v) do if k ~= "name" and k ~= "section" and k:sub(1,1) ~= "." then if k:match("^depends") then t["depends"] = _assert( self:_read_depency( v, t["depends"] ), "Variable '%s' in scheme '%s' has malformed " .. "depency specification in '%s'", v.name, scheme, k ) elseif k:match("^validator") then t["validators"] = _assert( self:_read_validator( v, t["validators"] ), "Variable '%s' in scheme '%s' has malformed " .. "validator specification in '%s'", v.name, scheme, k ) else t[k] = v end end end end end end -- Step 3: get all enums for i, conf in ipairs( schemes ) do for k, v in pairs( conf ) do if v['.type'] == "enum" then _req( TYPE_ENUM, v, { "value", "variable" } ) local r = _ref( TYPE_ENUM, v ) local p = _assert( self.packages[r[1]], "Enum '%s' in scheme '%s' references unknown package '%s'", v.value, scheme, r[1] ) local s = _assert( p.variables[r[2]], "Enum '%s' in scheme '%s' references unknown section '%s'", v.value, scheme, r[2] ) local t = _assert( s[r[3]], "Enum '%s' in scheme '%s', section '%s' references " .. "unknown variable '%s'", v.value, scheme, r[2], r[3] ) _assert( t.type == "enum", "Enum '%s' in scheme '%s', section '%s' references " .. "variable '%s' with non enum type '%s'", v.value, scheme, r[2], r[3], t.type ) if not t.values then t.values = { [v.value] = v.title or v.value } else t.values[v.value] = v.title or v.value end if v.default then _assert( not t.default, "Enum '%s' in scheme '%s', section '%s' redeclares " .. "the default value of variable '%s'", v.value, scheme, r[2], v.variable ) t.default = v.value end end end end return self end -- Read a depency specification function UVL._read_depency( self, value, deps ) local parts = luci.util.split( value, "%s*,%s*", nil, true ) local condition = { } for i, val in ipairs(parts) do local k, v = unpack(luci.util.split( val, "%s*=%s*", nil, true )) if k and ( k:match("^%$?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%.%$?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%.%$?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") or k:match("^%$?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%.%$?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") or k:match("^%$?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") ) then condition[k] = v or true else return nil end end if not deps then deps = { condition } else table.insert( deps, condition ) end return deps end -- Read a validator specification function UVL._read_validator( self, value, validators ) local validator if value and value:match("/") and self.datatypes.file(value) then validator = value else validator = self:_resolve_function( value ) end if validator then if not validators then validators = { validator } else table.insert( validators, validator ) end return validators end end -- Resolve given path function UVL._resolve_function( self, value ) local path = luci.util.split(value, ".") for i=1, #path-1 do local stat, mod = pcall(require, table.concat(path, ".", 1, i)) if stat and mod then for j=i+1, #path-1 do if not type(mod) == "table" then break; end mod = mod[path[j]] if not mod then break end end mod = type(mod) == "table" and mod[path[#path]] or nil if type(mod) == "function" then return mod end end end end