--[[ nixio - Linux I/O library for lua Copyright 2009 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local table = require "table" local nixio = require "nixio" local getmetatable, assert, pairs = getmetatable, assert, pairs module "nixio.util" local BUFFERSIZE = 8096 local socket = nixio.meta_socket local tls_socket = nixio.meta_tls_socket local file = nixio.meta_file local meta = {} function meta.is_socket(self) return (getmetatable(self) == socket) end function meta.is_tls_socket(self) return (getmetatable(self) == tls_socket) end function meta.is_file(self) return (getmetatable(self) == file) end function meta.readall(self, len) local block, code, msg = self:read(len) if not block then return "", code, msg, len elseif #block == 0 then return "", nil, nil, len end local data, total = {block}, #block while len > total do block, code, msg = self:read(len - total) if not block then return data, code, msg, len - #data elseif #block == 0 then return data, nil, nil, len - #data end data[#data+1], total = block, total + #block end return (#data > 1 and table.concat(data) or data[1]), nil, nil, 0 end meta.recvall = meta.readall function meta.writeall(self, data) local total, block = 0 local sent, code, msg = self:write(data) if not sent then return total, code, msg, data end while sent < #data do block, total = data:sub(sent + 1), total + sent sent, code, msg = self:write(block) if not sent then return total, code, msg, block end end return total + sent, nil, nil, "" end meta.sendall = meta.writeall function meta.linesource(self, limit) limit = limit or BUFFERSIZE local buffer = "" local bpos = 0 return function(flush) local line, endp, _ if flush then line = buffer:sub(bpos + 1) buffer = "" bpos = 0 return line end while not line do _, endp, line = buffer:find("(.-)\r?\n", bpos + 1) if line then bpos = endp return line elseif #buffer < limit + bpos then local newblock, code = self:read(limit + bpos - #buffer) if not newblock then return nil, code elseif #newblock == 0 then return nil end buffer = buffer:sub(bpos + 1) .. newblock bpos = 0 else return nil, 0 end end end end function meta.blocksource(self, bs, limit) bs = bs or BUFFERSIZE return function() local toread = bs if limit then if limit < 1 then return nil elseif limit < toread then toread = limit end end local block, code, msg = self:read(toread) if not block then return nil, code elseif #block == 0 then return nil else if limit then limit = limit - #block end return block end end end function meta.sink(self, close) return function(chunk, src_err) if not chunk and not src_err and close then if self.shutdown then self:shutdown() end self:close() elseif chunk and #chunk > 0 then return self:writeall(chunk) end return true end end function tls_socket.close(self) return self.socket:close() end for k, v in pairs(meta) do file[k] = v socket[k] = v tls_socket[k] = v end