--[[ Luci diag - Diagnostics controller module (c) 2009 Daniel Dickinson Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ]]-- module("luci.controller.luci_diag.netdiscover_common", package.seeall) require("luci.i18n") require("luci.util") require("luci.sys") require("luci.cbi") require("luci.model.uci") local translate = luci.i18n.translate local DummyValue = luci.cbi.DummyValue local SimpleSection = luci.cbi.SimpleSection function get_params() local netdiscover_uci = luci.model.uci.cursor() netdiscover_uci:load("luci_devinfo") local nettable = netdiscover_uci:get_all("luci_devinfo") local i local subnet local netdout local outnets = {} i = next(nettable, nil) while (i) do if (netdiscover_uci:get("luci_devinfo", i) == "netdiscover_scannet") then local scannet = netdiscover_uci:get_all("luci_devinfo", i) if scannet["subnet"] and (scannet["subnet"] ~= "") and scannet["enable"] and ( scannet["enable"] == "1") then local output = "" local outrow = {} outrow["interface"] = scannet["interface"] outrow["timeout"] = 10 local timeout = tonumber(scannet["timeout"]) if timeout and ( timeout > 0 ) then outrow["timeout"] = scannet["timeout"] end outrow["repeat_count"] = 1 local repcount = tonumber(scannet["repeat_count"]) if repcount and ( repcount > 0 ) then outrow["repeat_count"] = scannet["repeat_count"] end outrow["sleepreq"] = 100 local repcount = tonumber(scannet["sleepreq"]) if repcount and ( repcount > 0 ) then outrow["sleepreq"] = scannet["sleepreq"] end outrow["subnet"] = scannet["subnet"] outrow["output"] = output outnets[i] = outrow end end i = next(nettable, i) end return outnets end function command_function(outnets, i) local interface = luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.get_network_device(outnets[i]["interface"]) return "/usr/bin/netdiscover-to-devinfo " .. outnets[i]["subnet"] .. " " .. interface .. " " .. outnets[i]["timeout"] .. " -r " .. outnets[i]["repeat_count"] .. " -s " .. outnets[i]["sleepreq"] .. "