--[[ HTTP server implementation for LuCI - helper class (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich (c) 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.httpd.server", package.seeall) require("socket") require("socket.http") require("luci.util") READ_BUFSIZE = 1024 VERSION = 0.2 VHost = luci.util.class() function VHost.__init__(self, handler) self.handler = handler self.dhandler = {} end function VHost.process(self, request, sourcein, sinkerr, ...) local handler = self.handler local uri = request.env.REQUEST_URI:match("^([^?]*)") -- SCRIPT_NAME request.env.SCRIPT_NAME = "" -- Call URI part request.env.PATH_INFO = uri for k, dhandler in pairs(self.dhandler) do if k == uri or k.."/" == uri:sub(1, #k+1) then handler = dhandler request.env.SCRIPT_NAME = k request.env.PATH_INFO = uri:sub(#k+1) break; end end if handler then return handler:process(request, sourcein, sinkerr, ...) end end function VHost.set_default_handler(self, handler) self.handler = handler end function VHost.set_handler(self, match, handler) self.dhandler[match] = handler end Server = luci.util.class() function Server.__init__(self, host) self.host = host self.vhosts = {} end function Server.set_default_vhost(self, vhost) self.host = vhost end -- Sets a vhost function Server.set_vhost(self, name, vhost) self.vhosts[name] = vhost end function Server.create_daemon_handlers(self) return function(...) return self:process(...) end, function(...) return self:error_overload(...) end end function Server.error(self, socket, code, msg) hcode = tostring(code) socket:send( "HTTP/1.0 " .. hcode .. " " .. luci.http.protocol.statusmsg[code] .. "\r\n" ) socket:send( "Connection: close\r\n" ) socket:send( "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" ) if msg then socket:send( "HTTP-Error " .. code .. ": " .. msg .. "\r\n" ) end end function Server.error_overload(self, socket) self:error(socket, 503, "Too many simultaneous connections") end function Server.process( self, client ) -- Setup sockets and sources local thread = { receive = function(self, ...) return luci.httpd.corecv(client, ...) end } client:settimeout( 0 ) local sourcein = ltn12.source.empty() local sourcehdr = luci.http.protocol.header_source( thread ) local sinkerr = ltn12.sink.file( io.stderr ) local close = false local reading = { client } local message, err repeat -- parse headers message, err = luci.http.protocol.parse_message_header( sourcehdr ) if not message then self:error( client, 400, err ) break end -- keep-alive if message.http_version == 1.1 then close = (message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION == "close") else close = not message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION or message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION == "close" end if message.request_method == "get" or message.request_method == "head" then -- Be happy elseif message.request_method == "post" then -- If we have a HTTP/1.1 client and an Expect: 100-continue header then -- respond with HTTP 100 Continue message if message.http_version == 1.1 and message.headers['Expect'] and message.headers['Expect'] == '100-continue' then client:send("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n") end if message.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] and message.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] ~= "identity" then sourcein = socket.source("http-chunked", thread) elseif message.env.CONTENT_LENGTH then sourcein = socket.source("by-length", thread, tonumber(message.env.CONTENT_LENGTH)) else self:error( client, 411, luci.http.protocol.statusmsg[411] ) break; end else self:error( client, 405, luci.http.protocol.statusmsg[405] ) break; end local host = self.vhosts[message.env.HTTP_HOST] or self.host if not host then self:error( client, 500, "Unable to find matching host" ) break; end local response, sourceout = host:process( message, sourcein, sinkerr, client, io.stderr ) if not response then self:error( client, 500, "Error processing handler" ) end -- Post process response local sinkmode = close and "close-when-done" or "keep-open" if sourceout then if not response.headers["Content-Length"] then if message.http_version == 1.1 then response.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" sinkmode = "http-chunked" else close = true sinkmode = "close-when-done" end end end if close then response.headers["Connection"] = "close" end local sinkout = socket.sink(sinkmode, client) local header = message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL .. " " .. tostring(response.status) .. " " .. luci.http.protocol.statusmsg[response.status] .. "\r\n" header = header .. "Server: LuCI HTTPd/" .. tostring(VERSION) .. "\r\n" for k,v in pairs(response.headers) do header = header .. k .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n" end client:send(header .. "\r\n") if sourceout then local eof = false repeat coroutine.yield() eof = not ltn12.pump.step(sourceout, sinkout) until eof end until close client:close() end