<%+header%> <% local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local contact = uci:get_all("freifunk", "contact") local contacturl = luci.dispatcher.build_url(luci.dispatcher.context.path[1], "freifunk", "contact") local hostname = uci:get_first ("system", "system", "hostname") local latitude = uci:get_first ("system", "system", "latitude") local longitude = uci:get_first ("system", "system", "longitude") local location = uci:get_first ("system", "system", "location") local basicsurl = luci.dispatcher.build_url(luci.dispatcher.context.path[1], "freifunk", "basics") luci.i18n.loadc("freifunk") %>

<%:Freifunk Overview%>

<%:These pages will assist you in setting up your router for Freifunk or similar wireless community networks.%>

<% if not (hostname and latitude and longitude and location) then%>

<%:Basic settings are incomplete. Please go to%> <%:Basic settings%> <%:and fill out all required fields.%>

<% if not (contact.nickname and contact.name and contact.mail) then%>

<%:Contact information is incomplete. Please go to%> <%:Contact%> <%:and fill out all required fields.%>

<%end%> <% uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(section) local device = section[".name"] local url = luci.dispatcher.build_url(luci.dispatcher.context.path[1], "network", "wireless") if section.diversity ~= "0" and section.disabled ~= "1" then print('
' .. translate("Diversity is enabled for device") .. ' ' .. device .. '. ' .. translate("Go to") .. ' ' .. translate("wireless settings") .. ' ' .. translate(" to disable it.") .. '

') end end) %> <%+footer%>