------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaDoc main function. -- @release $Id$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local require = require local util = require "luadoc.util" logger = {} module ("luadoc") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaDoc version number. _COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2003-2007 The Kepler Project" _DESCRIPTION = "Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language" _VERSION = "LuaDoc 3.0.1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main function -- @see luadoc.doclet.html, luadoc.doclet.formatter, luadoc.doclet.raw -- @see luadoc.taglet.standard function main (files, options) logger = util.loadlogengine(options) -- load config file if options.config ~= nil then -- load specified config file dofile(options.config) else -- load default config file require("luadoc.config") end local taglet = require(options.taglet) local doclet = require(options.doclet) -- analyze input taglet.options = options taglet.logger = logger local doc = taglet.start(files) -- generate output doclet.options = options doclet.logger = logger doclet.start(doc) end