--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich Copyright 2011 Patrick Grimm Copyright 2011 Manuel Munz Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ]]-- local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local uci_state = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state() local tools = require "luci.tools.ffwizard" local util = require "luci.util" local sys = require "luci.sys" local ip = require "luci.ip" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local has_pptp = fs.access("/usr/sbin/pptp") local has_pppoe = fs.glob("/usr/lib/pppd/*/rp-pppoe.so")() local has_l2gvpn = fs.access("/usr/sbin/node") local has_radvd = fs.access("/etc/config/radvd") local has_rom = fs.access("/rom/etc") local has_autoipv6 = fs.access("/usr/bin/auto-ipv6") local has_qos = fs.access("/etc/init.d/qos") local has_ipv6 = fs.access("/proc/sys/net/ipv6") local has_hb = fs.access("/sbin/heartbeat") local community = "profile_" .. (uci:get("freifunk", "community", "name") or "na") local lat = uci:get_first("system", "system", "latitude") local lon = uci:get_first("system", "system", "longitude") local suffix = uci:get_first(community, "community", "suffix") or "olsr" luci.i18n.loadc("freifunk") -- Check if all necessary variables are available if not (community ~= "profile_na" and lat and lon) then luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url(unpack(luci.dispatcher.context.requested.path), "freifunk", "ffwizard_error")) return end function get_mac(ix) if string.find(ix, "radio") then ix = string.gsub(ix,"radio", 'wlan') end local mac = fs.readfile("/sys/class/net/" .. ix .. "/address") if not mac then mac = luci.util.exec("ifconfig " .. ix) mac = mac and mac:match(" ([A-F0-9:]+)%s*\n") else mac = mac:sub(1,17) end if mac and #mac > 0 then return mac:lower() end return "?" end function get_ula(imac) if string.len(imac) == 17 then local mac1 = string.sub(imac,4,8) local mac2 = string.sub(imac,10,14) local mac3 = string.sub(imac,16,17) return 'fdca:ffee:babe::02'..mac1..'ff:fe'..mac2..mac3..'/64' end return "?" end function gen_dhcp_range(n) local subnet_prefix = tonumber(uci:get_first(community, "community", "splash_prefix")) or 27 local pool_network = uci:get_first(community, "community", "splash_network") or "" local pool = luci.ip.IPv4(pool_network) local ip = tostring(n) if pool and ip then local hosts_per_subnet = 2^(32 - subnet_prefix) local number_of_subnets = (2^pool:prefix())/hosts_per_subnet local seed1, seed2 = ip:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)$") if seed1 and seed2 then math.randomseed((seed1+1)*(seed2+1)) end local subnet = pool:add(hosts_per_subnet * math.random(number_of_subnets)) dhcp_ip = subnet:network(subnet_prefix):add(1):string() dhcp_mask = subnet:mask(subnet_prefix):string() end return "?" end function cbi_meship(dev) meship = f:field(Value, "meship_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("Mesh IP address"), translate("This is a unique address in the mesh (e.g. and has to be registered at your local community.")) meship:depends("device_" .. dev, "1") meship.rmempty = true function meship.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. dev) end function meship.validate(self, value) local x = ip.IPv4(value) return ( x and x:prefix() == 32 ) and x:string() or "" end function meship.write(self, sec, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. dev, value) end end function cbi_meship6(dev) local meship6 = f:field(Value, "meship6_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("Mesh IPv6 Address"), translate("The ipv6 address is calculated auomatically.")) meship6:depends("device_" .. dev, "1") meship6.rmempty = true function meship6.cfgvalue(self, section) return get_ula(get_mac(dev)) end end function cbi_netconf(dev) local d = f:field(Flag, "device_" .. dev , " " .. dev:upper() .. "", "Configure this interface.") d:depends("netconfig", "1") d.rmempty = false function d.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. dev) end function d.write(self, sec, value) if value then uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. dev, value) uci:save("freifunk") end end end function cbi_meshdhcp(dev) local dhcpmesh = f:field(Value, "dhcpmesh_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("DHCP IP range"), translate("The IP range from which clients are assigned ip addresses (e.g. If this is a range inside your mesh network range, then it will be announced as HNA. Any other range will use NAT. If left empty then the defaults from the community profile will be used.")) dhcpmesh:depends("client_" .. dev, "1") dhcpmesh.rmempty = true function dhcpmesh.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. dev) end function dhcpmesh.validate(self, value) local x = ip.IPv4(value) return ( x and x:prefix() <= 30 and x:minhost()) and x:string() or "" end function dhcpmesh.write(self, sec, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. dev, value) uci:save("freifunk") end end function cbi_dhcp(dev) local client = f:field(Flag, "client_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("Enable DHCP"), translate("DHCP will automatically assign ip addresses to clients")) client:depends("device_" .. dev, "1") client.rmempty = true function client.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. dev) end function client.write(self, sec, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. dev, value) uci:save("freifunk") end end function hbconf(dev) if has_hb then local ifacelist = uci:get_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface") or {} table.insert(ifacelist,dev .. "dhcp") uci:set_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface", ifacelist) uci:save("manager") end end function uci_radvd(n) uci:section("radvd", "interface", nil, { interface =n, AdvSendAdvert =1, AdvManagedFlag =0, AdvOtherConfigFlag =0, ignore =0 }) uci:section("radvd", "prefix", nil, { interface =n, AdvOnLink =1, AdvAutonomous =1, AdvRouterAddr =0, ignore =0, }) uci:save("radvd") end function uci_clean_radvd (n) uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=n.."dhcp"}) uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=n}) uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=n.."dhcp"}) uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=n}) end -------------------- View -------------------- f = SimpleForm("ffwizward", translate("Wizard"), translate("This wizard will assist you in setting up your router for Freifunk " .. "or another similar wireless community network.")) -- if password is not set or default then force the user to set a new one if sys.exec("diff /rom/etc/passwd /etc/passwd") == "" then pw1 = f:field(Value, "pw1", translate("Password")) pw1.password = true pw1.rmempty = false pw2 = f:field(Value, "pw2", translate("Password confirmation")) pw2.password = true pw2.rmempty = false function pw2.validate(self, value, section) return pw1:formvalue(section) == value and value end end -- main netconfig local cc = uci:get(community, "wifi_device", "country") or "DE" main = f:field(Flag, "netconfig", translate("Configure network"), translate("Select this checkbox to configure your network interfaces.")) uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(section) local device = section[".name"] local hwtype = section.type local syscc = section.country if not syscc then if hwtype == "atheros" then cc = sys.exec("grep -i '" .. cc .. "' /lib/wifi/cc_translate.txt |cut -d ' ' -f 2") or 0 sys.exec("echo " .. cc .. " > /proc/sys/dev/" .. device .. "/countrycode") elseif hwtype == "mac80211" then sys.exec("iw reg set " .. cc) elseif hwtype == "broadcom" then sys.exec ("wlc country " .. cc) end else cc = syscc end cbi_netconf(device) local chan = f:field(ListValue, "chan_" .. device, device:upper() .. " " .. translate("Channel"), translate("Your device and neighbouring nodes have to use the same channel.")) chan:depends("device_" .. device, "1") chan.rmempty = true function chan.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "chan_" .. device) end chan:value('default') for _, f in ipairs(sys.wifi.channels(device)) do if not f.restricted then chan:value(f.channel) end end function chan.write(self, sec, value) if value then uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "chan_" .. device, value) uci:save("freifunk") end end cbi_meship(device) if has_ipv6 then cbi_meship6(device) end cbi_dhcp(device) cbi_meshdhcp(device) local hwtype = section.type if hwtype == "atheros" then local vap = f:field(Flag, "vap_" .. device , " " .. translate("Virtual Access Point (VAP)"), translate("This will setup a new virtual wireless interface in Access Point mode.")) vap:depends("client_" .. device, "1") vap.rmempty = false function vap.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "vap_" .. device) end function vap.write(self, sec, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "vap_" .. device, value) uci:save("freifunk") end end end) uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(section) local device = section[".name"] local ifname = uci_state:get("network",device,"ifname") if device ~= "loopback" and not string.find(device, "gvpn") and not string.find(device, "wifi") and not string.find(device, "wl") and not string.find(device, "wlan") and not string.find(device, "wireless") and not string.find(device, "radio") then cbi_netconf(device) cbi_meship(device) if has_ipv6 then cbi_meship6(device) end cbi_dhcp(device) cbi_meshdhcp(device) end end) share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "" .. translate("Share your internet connection") .. "", translate("Select this to allow others to use your connection to access the internet.")) share.rmempty = false share:depends("netconfig", "1") function share.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "share") end function share.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "share", value) uci:save("freifunk") end wanproto = f:field(ListValue, "wanproto", translate("Protocol"), translate ("The protocol to use for internet connectivity.")) wanproto:depends("sharenet", "1") wanproto:value("static", translate("static", "static")) wanproto:value("dhcp", translate("dhcp", "dhcp")) if has_pppoe then wanproto:value("pppoe", "PPPoE") end if has_pptp then wanproto:value("pptp", "PPTP") end function wanproto.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "proto") or "dhcp" end function wanproto.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "proto", value) uci:save("network") end wanip = f:field(Value, "wanipaddr", translate("Ip address")) wanip:depends("wanproto", "static") function wanip.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "ipaddr") end function wanip.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "ipaddr", value) uci:save("network") end wannm = f:field(Value, "wannetmask", translate("Netmask")) wannm:depends("wanproto", "static") function wannm.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "netmask") end function wannm.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "netmask", value) uci:save("network") end wangw = f:field(Value, "wangateway", translate("Gateway")) wangw:depends("wanproto", "static") wangw.rmempty = true function wangw.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "gateway") end function wangw.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "gateway", value) uci:save("network") end wandns = f:field(Value, "wandns", translate("DNS Server")) wandns:depends("wanproto", "static") wandns.rmempty = true function wandns.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "dns") end function wandns.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "dns", value) uci:save("network") end wanusr = f:field(Value, "wanusername", translate("Username")) wanusr:depends("wanproto", "pppoe") wanusr:depends("wanproto", "pptp") function wanusr.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "username") end function wanusr.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "username", value) uci:save("network") end wanpwd = f:field(Value, "wanpassword", translate("Password")) wanpwd.password = true wanpwd:depends("wanproto", "pppoe") wanpwd:depends("wanproto", "pptp") function wanpwd.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("network", "wan", "password") end function wanpwd.write(self, section, value) uci:set("network", "wan", "password", value) uci:save("network") end wansec = f:field(Flag, "wansec", translate("Protect LAN"), translate("Check this to protect your LAN from other nodes or clients" .. " (" .. translate("recommended") .. ").")) wansec.default = "1" wansec.rmempty = false wansec:depends("wanproto", "static") wansec:depends("wanproto", "dhcp") function wansec.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "wan_security") end function wansec.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "wan_security", value) uci:save("freifunk") end if has_qos then wanqosdown = f:field(Value, "wanqosdown", translate("Limit download bandwidth"), translate("kbit/s")) wanqosdown:depends("sharenet", "1") function wanqosdown.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("qos", "wan", "download") end function wanqosdown.write(self, section, value) uci:set("qos", "wan", "download", value) uci:save("qos") end wanqosup = f:field(Value, "wanqosup", translate("Limit upload bandwidth"), translate("kbit/s")) wanqosup:depends("sharenet", "1") function wanqosup.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("qos", "wan", "upload") end function wanqosup.write(self, section, value) uci:set("qos", "wan", "upload", value) uci:save("qos") end end if has_l2gvpn then gvpn = f:field(Flag, "gvpn", translate("L2gvpn tunnel"), translate("Connect your node with other nodes with a tunnel via the internet.")) gvpn.rmempty = false gvpn:depends("sharenet", "1") function gvpn.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "gvpn") end function gvpn.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "gvpn", value) uci:save("freifunk") end gvpnip = f:field(Value, "gvpnipaddr", translate("IP address")) gvpnip:depends("gvpn", "1") function gvpnip.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("l2gvpn", "bbb", "ip") or uci:get("network", "gvpn", "ipaddr") end function gvpnip.validate(self, value) local x = ip.IPv4(value) return ( x and x:prefix() == 32 ) and x:string() or "" end end if has_hb then hb = f:field(Flag, "hb", translate("Heartbeat"), translate("Allow to transfer anonymous statistics about this node" .. " (" .. translate("recommended") .. ").")) hb.rmempty = false hb:depends("netconfig", "1") function hb.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "hb") end function hb.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "hb", value) uci:save("freifunk") end end -------------------- Control -------------------- function f.handle(self, state, data) if state == FORM_VALID then local debug = uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "debug") if debug == "1" then if data.pw1 then local stat = luci.sys.user.setpasswd("root", data.pw1) == 0 if stat then f.message = translate("a_s_changepw_changed") else f.errmessage = translate("unknownerror") end end data.pw1 = nil data.pw2 = nil luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url(unpack(luci.dispatcher.context.requested.path), "system", "system")) else if data.pw1 then local stat = luci.sys.user.setpasswd("root", data.pw1) == 0 end data.pw1 = nil data.pw2 = nil uci:commit("freifunk") uci:commit("wireless") uci:commit("network") uci:commit("dhcp") uci:commit("luci_splash") uci:commit("firewall") uci:commit("system") uci:commit("olsrd") uci:commit("manager") if has_autoipv6 then uci:commit("autoipv6") end if has_qos then uci:commit("qos") end if has_l2gvpn then uci:commit("l2gvpn") end if has_radvd then uci:commit("radvd") end sys.exec("for s in network dnsmasq luci_splash firewall olsrd radvd l2gvpn; do [ -x /etc/init.d/$s ] && /etc/init.d/$s restart;done > /dev/null &" ) luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url(luci.dispatcher.context.path[1], "freifunk", "ffwizard")) end return false elseif state == FORM_INVALID then self.errmessage = "Ungültige Eingabe: Bitte die Formularfelder auf Fehler prüfen." end return true end local function _strip_internals(tbl) tbl = tbl or {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if k:sub(1, 1) == "." then tbl[k] = nil end end return tbl end -- Configure Freifunk checked function main.write(self, section, value) if value == "0" then uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "netconfig", "0") uci:save("freifunk") return end -- Collect IP-Address uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "net", uci:get_first(community, "community", "mesh_network")) uci:save("freifunk") -- Invalidate fields if not community then net.tag_missing[section] = true return end uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "netconfig", "1") uci:save("freifunk") local netname = "wireless" local network network = ip.IPv4(uci:get_first(community, "community", "mesh_network") or "") -- Cleanup uci:delete_all("firewall","zone", {name="freifunk"}) uci:delete_all("firewall","forwarding", {dest="freifunk"}) uci:delete_all("firewall","forwarding", {src="freifunk"}) uci:delete_all("firewall","rule", {dest="freifunk"}) uci:delete_all("firewall","rule", {src="freifunk"}) uci:save("firewall") -- Create firewall zone and add default rules (first time) -- firewall_create_zone("name" , "input" , "output", "forward ", Masqurade) local newzone = tools.firewall_create_zone("freifunk", "ACCEPT", "ACCEPT", "REJECT" , true) if newzone then uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_forwarding", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, section) end) uci:foreach(community, "fw_forwarding", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, section) end) uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_rule", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, section) end) uci:foreach(community, "fw_rule", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, section) end) end uci:save("firewall") if has_hb then uci:delete("manager", "heartbeat", "interface") uci:save("manager") end -- Delete olsrdv4 uci:delete_all("olsrd", "olsrd") local olsrbase olsrbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsrd") or {} util.update(olsrbase, uci:get_all(community, "olsrd") or {}) if has_ipv6 then olsrbase.IpVersion='6and4' else olsrbase.IpVersion='4' end uci:section("olsrd", "olsrd", nil, olsrbase) -- Delete olsrdv4 old p2pd settings uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_mdns.so.1.0.0"}) uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_p2pd.so.0.1.0"}) -- Write olsrdv4 new p2pd settings uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, { library = "olsrd_p2pd.so.0.1.0", P2pdTtl = 10, UdpDestPort = " 5353", ignore = 1, }) -- Delete http plugin uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_httpinfo.so.0.1"}) -- Delete olsrdv4 old interface uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Interface") uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Hna4") -- Create wireless ip4/ip6 and firewall config uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(sec) local device = sec[".name"] if not luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.device_" .. device) then return end node_ip = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device)) if has_ipv6 then node_ip6 = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship6_" .. device) and ip.IPv6(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship6_" .. device)) end if not node_ip or not network or not network:contains(node_ip) then meship.tag_missing[section] = true node_ip = nil return end -- rename the wireless interface s/wifi/wireless/ local nif if string.find(device, "wifi") then nif = string.gsub(device,"wifi", netname) elseif string.find(device, "wl") then nif = string.gsub(device,"wl", netname) elseif string.find(device, "wlan") then nif = string.gsub(device,"wlan", netname) elseif string.find(device, "radio") then nif = string.gsub(device,"radio", netname) end -- Cleanup tools.wifi_delete_ifaces(device) -- tools.network_remove_interface(device) uci:delete("network", device .. "dhcp") uci:delete("network", device) tools.firewall_zone_remove_interface("freifunk", device) -- tools.network_remove_interface(nif) uci:delete("network", nif .. "dhcp") uci:delete("network", nif) tools.firewall_zone_remove_interface("freifunk", nif) -- Delete old dhcp uci:delete("dhcp", device) uci:delete("dhcp", device .. "dhcp") uci:delete("dhcp", nif) uci:delete("dhcp", nif .. "dhcp") -- Delete old splash uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {network=device.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"}) uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {network=nif.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"}) -- Delete old radvd if has_radvd then uci_clean_radvd(nif) end -- New Config -- Tune wifi device local ssid = uci:get_first(community, "community", "ssid") or "olsr.freifunk.net" local devconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_device") util.update(devconfig, uci:get_all(community, "wifi_device") or {}) local channel = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.chan_" .. device) local hwmode = "11bg" local bssid = uci:get_all(community, "wifi_iface", "bssid") or "02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE" local mrate = 5500 devconfig.diversity = sec.diversity or "1" if sec.txantenna then devconfig.txantenna = sec.txantenna end if sec.rxantenna then devconfig.rxantenna = sec.rxantenna end -- set bssid, see https://kifuse02.pberg.freifunk.net/moin/channel-bssid-essid for schema if channel and channel ~= "default" then if devconfig.channel ~= channel then devconfig.channel = channel local chan = tonumber(channel) if chan >= 0 and chan < 10 then bssid = channel .. "2:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE" elseif chan == 10 then bssid = "02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE" elseif chan >= 11 and chan <= 14 then bssid = string.format("%X",channel) .. "2:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE" elseif chan >= 36 and chan <= 64 then hwmode = "11a" mrate = "" bssid = "00:" .. channel ..":CA:FF:EE:EE" elseif chan >= 100 and chan <= 140 then hwmode = "11a" mrate = "" bssid = "01:" .. string.sub(channel, 2) .. ":CA:FF:EE:EE" end devconfig.hwmode = hwmode end devconfig.country = cc ssid = ssid .. " - ch" .. channel end uci:tset("wireless", device, devconfig) -- Create wifi iface local ifconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_iface") util.update(ifconfig, uci:get_all(community, "wifi_iface") or {}) ifconfig.device = device ifconfig.network = nif ifconfig.ssid = ssid ifconfig.bssid = bssid ifconfig.encryption="none" -- Read Preset local netconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface") util.update(netconfig, uci:get_all(community, "interface") or {}) netconfig.proto = "static" netconfig.ipaddr = node_ip:string() if has_ipv6 then netconfig.ip6addr = node_ip6:string() end uci:section("network", "interface", nif, netconfig) if has_radvd then uci_radvd(nif) end tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", nif) uci:save("firewall") -- Write new olsrv4 interface local olsrifbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsr_interface") util.update(olsrifbase, uci:get_all(community, "olsr_interface") or {}) olsrifbase.interface = nif olsrifbase.ignore = "0" uci:section("olsrd", "Interface", nil, olsrifbase) -- Collect MESH DHCP IP NET local client = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.client_" .. device) if client then local dhcpmeshnet = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device)) hbconf(nif) if dhcpmeshnet then if not dhcpmeshnet:minhost() or not dhcpmeshnet:mask() then dhcpmesh.tag_missing[section] = true dhcpmeshnet = nil return end dhcp_ip = dhcpmeshnet:minhost():string() dhcp_mask = dhcpmeshnet:mask():string() dhcp_network = dhcpmeshnet:network():string() uci:section("olsrd", "Hna4", nil, { netmask = dhcp_mask, netaddr = dhcp_network }) uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", function(s) if s.library == "olsrd_p2pd.so.0.1.0" then uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "ignore", "0") local nonolsr = uci:get("olsrd", s['.name'], "NonOlsrIf") or "" vap = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.vap_" .. device) if vap then nonolsr = nif.."dhcp "..nonolsr else nonolsr = nif.." "..nonolsr end uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "NonOlsrIf", nonolsr) end end) else gen_dhcp_range(netconfig.ipaddr) end if dhcp_ip and dhcp_mask then -- Create alias local aliasbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "alias") util.update(aliasbase, uci:get_all(community, "alias") or {}) aliasbase.ipaddr = dhcp_ip aliasbase.netmask = dhcp_mask aliasbase.proto = "static" vap = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.vap_" .. device) if vap then uci:section("network", "interface", nif .. "dhcp", aliasbase) uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, { device =device, mode ="ap", encryption ="none", network =nif .. "dhcp", ssid ="AP-" .. ssid }) if has_radvd then uci_radvd(nif .. "dhcp") end tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", nif .. "dhcp") uci:save("wireless") ifconfig.mcast_rate = nil ifconfig.encryption="none" else aliasbase.interface = nif uci:section("network", "alias", nif .. "dhcp", aliasbase) end -- Create dhcp local dhcpbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "dhcp") util.update(dhcpbase, uci:get_all(community, "dhcp") or {}) dhcpbase.interface = nif .. "dhcp" dhcpbase.force = 1 uci:section("dhcp", "dhcp", nif .. "dhcp", dhcpbase) uci:set_list("dhcp", nif .. "dhcp", "dhcp_option", "119,olsr") -- Create firewall settings uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="udp", dest_port="53" }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="udp", dest_port="53", target="ACCEPT" }) uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="udp", src_port="68", dest_port="67" }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="udp", src_port="68", dest_port="67", target="ACCEPT" }) uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="tcp", dest_port="8082", }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="tcp", dest_port="8082", target="ACCEPT" }) -- Register splash uci:section("luci_splash", "iface", nil, {network=nif.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"}) uci:save("luci_splash") -- Make sure that luci_splash is enabled sys.init.enable("luci_splash") end else -- Delete old splash uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {network=device.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"}) end --Write Ad-Hoc wifi section after AP wifi section uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, ifconfig) uci:save("network") uci:save("wireless") uci:save("network") uci:save("firewall") uci:save("dhcp") end) -- Create wired ip and firewall config uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(sec) local device = sec[".name"] if not luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.device_" .. device) then return end if device ~= "loopback" and not string.find(device, "wifi") and not string.find(device, "wl") and not string.find(device, "wlan") and not string.find(device, "wireless") and not string.find(device, "radio") then local node_ip node_ip = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device)) if has_ipv6 then node_ip6 = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship6_" .. device) --and ip.IPv6(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship6_" .. device)) end if not node_ip or not network or not network:contains(node_ip) then meship.tag_missing[section] = true node_ip = nil return end -- Cleanup tools.firewall_zone_remove_interface(device, device) uci:delete_all("firewall","zone", {name=device}) uci:delete_all("firewall","forwarding", {src=device}) uci:delete_all("firewall","forwarding", {dest=device}) uci:delete("network", device .. "dhcp") -- Delete old dhcp uci:delete("dhcp", device) uci:delete("dhcp", device .. "dhcp") -- Delete old splash uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {network=device.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"}) if has_radvd then uci_clean_radvd(device) end -- New Config local netconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface") util.update(netconfig, uci:get_all(community, "interface") or {}) netconfig.proto = "static" netconfig.ipaddr = node_ip:string() if has_ipv6 then netconfig.ip6addr = node_ip6:string() end uci:section("network", "interface", device, netconfig) uci:save("network") if has_radvd then uci_radvd(device) end tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", device) uci:save("firewall") -- Write new olsrv4 interface local olsrifbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsr_interface") util.update(olsrifbase, uci:get_all(community, "olsr_interface") or {}) olsrifbase.interface = device olsrifbase.ignore = "0" uci:section("olsrd", "Interface", nil, olsrifbase) olsrifbase.Mode = 'ether' -- Collect MESH DHCP IP NET local client = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.client_" .. device) if client then local dhcpmeshnet = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device)) hbconf(device) if dhcpmeshnet then if not dhcpmeshnet:minhost() or not dhcpmeshnet:mask() then dhcpmesh.tag_missing[section] = true dhcpmeshnet = nil return end dhcp_ip = dhcpmeshnet:minhost():string() dhcp_mask = dhcpmeshnet:mask():string() dhcp_network = dhcpmeshnet:network():string() uci:section("olsrd", "Hna4", nil, { netmask = dhcp_mask, netaddr = dhcp_network }) uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", function(s) if s.library == "olsrd_p2pd.so.0.1.0" then uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "ignore", "0") local nonolsr = uci:get("olsrd", s['.name'], "NonOlsrIf") or "" uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "NonOlsrIf", device .." ".. nonolsr) end end) else gen_dhcp_range(netconfig.ipaddr) end if dhcp_ip and dhcp_mask then -- Create alias local aliasbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "alias") util.update(aliasbase, uci:get_all(community, "alias") or {}) aliasbase.interface = device aliasbase.ipaddr = dhcp_ip aliasbase.netmask = dhcp_mask aliasbase.proto = "static" uci:section("network", "alias", device .. "dhcp", aliasbase) -- Create dhcp local dhcpbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "dhcp") util.update(dhcpbase, uci:get_all(community, "dhcp") or {}) dhcpbase.interface = device .. "dhcp" dhcpbase.force = 1 uci:section("dhcp", "dhcp", device .. "dhcp", dhcpbase) uci:set_list("dhcp", device .. "dhcp", "dhcp_option", "119,olsr") -- Create firewall settings uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="udp", dest_port="53" }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="udp", dest_port="53", target="ACCEPT" }) uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="udp", src_port="68", dest_port="67" }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="udp", src_port="68", dest_port="67", target="ACCEPT" }) uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="tcp", dest_port="8082", }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="tcp", dest_port="8082", target="ACCEPT" }) -- Register splash uci:section("luci_splash", "iface", nil, {network=device.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"}) uci:save("luci_splash") -- Make sure that luci_splash is enabled sys.init.enable("luci_splash") end end uci:save("wireless") uci:save("network") uci:save("firewall") uci:save("dhcp") end end) --enable radvd if has_radvd then sys.init.enable("radvd") end -- Enforce firewall include local has_include = false uci:foreach("firewall", "include", function(section) if section.path == "/etc/firewall.freifunk" then has_include = true end end) if not has_include then uci:section("firewall", "include", nil, { path = "/etc/firewall.freifunk" }) end -- Allow state: invalid packets uci:foreach("firewall", "defaults", function(section) uci:set("firewall", section[".name"], "drop_invalid", "0") end) -- Prepare advanced config local has_advanced = false uci:foreach("firewall", "advanced", function(section) has_advanced = true end) if not has_advanced then uci:section("firewall", "advanced", nil, { tcp_ecn = "0", ip_conntrack_max = "8192", tcp_westwood = "1" }) end uci:save("wireless") uci:save("network") uci:save("firewall") uci:save("dhcp") if has_hb then local dhcphb = hb:formvalue(section) if dhcphb then uci:set("manager", "heartbeat", "enabled", "1") -- Make sure that heartbeat is enabled sys.init.enable("machash") else uci:set("manager", "heartbeat", "enabled", "0") -- Make sure that heartbeat is enabled sys.init.disable("machash") end uci:save("manager") end uci:foreach("system", "system", function(s) -- Make crond silent uci:set("system", s['.name'], "cronloglevel", "10") -- Make set timzone and zonename uci:set("system", s['.name'], "zonename", "Europe/Berlin") uci:set("system", s['.name'], "timezone", 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3') end) -- Create time rdate_servers local rdate = uci:get_all("freifunk", "time") if rdate then uci:delete_all("system", "time") uci:section("system", "time", "rdate_servers", rdate) rdate.server = rdate.rdate_servers rdate.rdate_servers = "" uci:delete_all("system", "rdate", nil) uci:section("system", "rdate", nil, rdate) uci:save("system") end -- Delete old watchdog settings uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_watchdog.so.0.1"}) -- Write new watchdog settings uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, { library = "olsrd_watchdog.so.0.1", file = "/var/run/olsrd.watchdog", interval = "30" }) -- Delete old nameservice settings uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_nameservice.so.0.3"}) -- Write new nameservice settings uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, { library = "olsrd_nameservice.so.0.3", suffix = "." .. suffix , hosts_file = "/var/etc/hosts.olsr", latlon_file = "/var/run/latlon.js", lat = lat and string.format("%.15f", lat) or "", lon = lon and string.format("%.15f", lon) or "", services_file = "/var/etc/services.olsr" }) -- Import hosts and set domain uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) uci:set_list("dhcp", s[".name"], "addnhosts", "/var/etc/hosts.olsr") uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "local", "/" .. suffix .. "/") uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "domain", suffix) end) -- Make sure that OLSR is enabled sys.init.enable("olsrd") uci:save("olsrd") uci:save("dhcp") -- Import hosts and set domain if has_ipv6 then uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) uci:set_list("dhcp", s[".name"], "addnhosts", {"/var/etc/hosts.olsr","/var/etc/hosts.olsr.ipv6"}) end) else uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) uci:set_list("dhcp", s[".name"], "addnhosts", "/var/etc/hosts.olsr") end) end uci:save("dhcp") -- Internet sharing local share_value = share:formvalue(section) if share_value == "1" then uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "netconfig", "1") uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {src="freifunk", dest="wan"}) if has_autoipv6 then -- Set autoipv6 tunnel mode uci:set("autoipv6", "olsr_node", "enable", "0") uci:set("autoipv6", "tunnel", "enable", "1") uci:save("autoipv6") end -- Delete/Disable gateway plugin uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_dyn_gw.so.0.5"}) uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"}) -- Enable gateway_plain plugin uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"}) sys.exec("chmod +x /etc/init.d/freifunk-p2pblock") sys.init.enable("freifunk-p2pblock") sys.init.enable("qos") sys.exec('grep wan /etc/crontabs/root >/dev/null || echo "0 6 * * * ifup wan" >> /etc/crontabs/root') if wansec:formvalue(section) == "1" then uci:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name == "wan" then uci:set("firewall", s['.name'], "local_restrict", "1") return false end end) end else uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "netconfig", "0") uci:save("freifunk") if has_autoipv6 then -- Set autoipv6 olsrd mode uci:set("autoipv6", "olsr_node", "enable", "1") uci:set("autoipv6", "tunnel", "enable", "0") uci:save("autoipv6") end -- Delete gateway plugins uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_dyn_gw.so.0.5"}) uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"}) -- Disable gateway_plain plugin uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, { library = "olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4", ignore = 1, }) sys.init.disable("freifunk-p2pblock") sys.init.disable("qos") sys.exec("chmod -x /etc/init.d/freifunk-p2pblock") uci:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding", {src="freifunk", dest="wan"}) uci:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name == "wan" then uci:delete("firewall", s['.name'], "local_restrict") return false end end) end -- Write gvpn dummy interface if has_l2gvpn then if gvpn then local vpn = gvpn:formvalue(section) if vpn then uci:delete_all("l2gvpn", "l2gvpn") uci:delete_all("l2gvpn", "node") uci:delete_all("l2gvpn", "supernode") -- Write olsr tunnel interface options local olsr_gvpnifbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsr_gvpninterface") util.update(olsr_gvpnifbase, uci:get_all(community, "olsr_gvpninterface") or {}) uci:section("olsrd", "Interface", nil, olsr_gvpnifbase) local vpnip = gvpnip:formvalue(section) local gvpnif = uci:get_all("freifunk", "gvpn_node") util.update(gvpnif, uci:get_all(community, "gvpn_node") or {}) if gvpnif and gvpnif.tundev and vpnip then uci:section("network", "interface", gvpnif.tundev, { ifname =gvpnif.tundev , proto ="static" , ipaddr =vpnip , netmask =gvpnif.subnet or "" , }) gvpnif.ip="" gvpnif.subnet="" gvpnif.up="" gvpnif.down="" gvpnif.mac="00:00:48:"..string.format("%X",string.gsub( vpnip, ".*%." , "" ))..":00:00" tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", gvpnif.tundev) uci:section("l2gvpn", "node" , gvpnif.community , gvpnif) uci:save("network") uci:save("l2gvpn") uci:save("firewall") uci:save("olsrd") sys.init.enable("l2gvpn") end else -- Disable l2gvpn sys.exec("/etc/init.d/l2gvpn stop") sys.init.disable("l2gvpn") end end end uci:save("freifunk") uci:save("firewall") uci:save("olsrd") uci:save("system") end return f