[packages.git] / utils / lcd4linux / patches / 150-addlibmpdclient.patch
1 --- /dev/null
2 +++ b/libmpdclient.c
3 @@ -0,0 +1,1957 @@
4 +/* libmpdclient
5 +   (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com)
6 +   This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
7 +
8 +   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9 +   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10 +   are met:
11 +
12 +   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13 +   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14 +
15 +   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
16 +   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
17 +   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
18 +
19 +   - Neither the name of the Music Player Daemon nor the names of its
20 +   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
21 +   this software without specific prior written permission.
22 +
34 +*/
35 +
36 +#include "libmpdclient.h"
37 +
38 +#include <errno.h>
39 +#include <ctype.h>
40 +#include <sys/types.h>
41 +#include <stdio.h>
42 +#include <sys/param.h>
43 +#include <string.h>
44 +#include <unistd.h>
45 +#include <stdlib.h>
46 +#include <fcntl.h>
47 +#include <limits.h>
48 +
49 +#ifdef WIN32
50 +#  include <ws2tcpip.h>
51 +#  include <winsock.h>
52 +#else
53 +#  include <netinet/in.h>
54 +#  include <arpa/inet.h>
55 +#  include <sys/socket.h>
56 +#  include <netdb.h>
57 +#endif
58 +
59 +/* (bits+1)/3 (plus the sign character) */
60 +#define INTLEN      ((sizeof(int)       * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1)
61 +#define LONGLONGLEN ((sizeof(long long) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1)
62 +
63 +#define COMMAND_LIST    1
64 +#define COMMAND_LIST_OK 2
65 +
66 +#ifndef MPD_NO_GAI
67 +#  ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG
68 +#    define MPD_HAVE_GAI
69 +#  endif
70 +#endif
71 +
72 +#ifndef MSG_DONTWAIT
73 +#  define MSG_DONTWAIT 0
74 +#endif
75 +
76 +#ifdef WIN32
77 +#  define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE   (errno == WSAEINTR || errno == WSAEINPROGRESS)
79 +#else
80 +#  define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE   (errno == EINTR)
81 +#  define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
82 +#  define winsock_dll_error(c)  0
83 +#  define closesocket(s)        close(s)
84 +#  define WSACleanup()          do { /* nothing */ } while (0)
85 +#endif
86 +
87 +#ifdef WIN32
88 +static int winsock_dll_error(mpd_Connection * connection)
89 +{
90 +    WSADATA wsaData;
91 +    if ((WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) != 0 || LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) {
92 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "Could not find usable WinSock DLL.");
93 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
94 +       return 1;
95 +    }
96 +    return 0;
97 +}
98 +
99 +static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection * connection, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen)
100 +{
101 +    int iMode = 1;             /* 0 = blocking, else non-blocking */
102 +    ioctlsocket(connection->sock, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *) & iMode);
103 +    return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK);
104 +}
105 +#else                          /* !WIN32 (sane operating systems) */
106 +static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection * connection, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen)
107 +{
108 +    int flags = fcntl(connection->sock, F_GETFL, 0);
109 +    fcntl(connection->sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
110 +    return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS);
111 +}
112 +#endif                         /* !WIN32 */
113 +
114 +#ifdef MPD_HAVE_GAI
115 +static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *host, int port, float timeout)
116 +{
117 +    int error;
118 +    char service[INTLEN + 1];
119 +    struct addrinfo hints;
120 +    struct addrinfo *res = NULL;
121 +    struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL;
122 +
123 +       /**
124 +        * Setup hints
125 +        */
126 +    hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG;
127 +    hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
128 +    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
129 +    hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
130 +    hints.ai_addrlen = 0;
131 +    hints.ai_addr = NULL;
132 +    hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
133 +    hints.ai_next = NULL;
134 +
135 +    snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "%i", port);
136 +
137 +    error = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &addrinfo);
138 +
139 +    if (error) {
140 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "host \"%s\" not found: %s", host, gai_strerror(error));
141 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST;
142 +       return -1;
143 +    }
144 +
145 +    for (res = addrinfo; res; res = res->ai_next) {
146 +       /* create socket */
147 +       connection->sock = socket(res->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, res->ai_protocol);
148 +       if (connection->sock < 0) {
149 +           snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno));
150 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
151 +           freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
152 +           return -1;
153 +       }
154 +
155 +       mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout);
156 +
157 +       /* connect stuff */
158 +       if (do_connect_fail(connection, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) {
159 +           /* try the next address family */
160 +           closesocket(connection->sock);
161 +           connection->sock = -1;
162 +           continue;
163 +       }
164 +    }
165 +
166 +    freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
167 +
168 +    if (connection->sock < 0) {
169 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
170 +                "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i: %s", host, port, strerror(errno));
171 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT;
172 +
173 +       return -1;
174 +    }
175 +
176 +    return 0;
177 +}
178 +#else                          /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */
179 +static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *host, int port, float timeout)
180 +{
181 +    struct hostent *he;
182 +    struct sockaddr *dest;
183 +    int destlen;
184 +    struct sockaddr_in sin;
185 +
186 +    if (!(he = gethostbyname(host))) {
187 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "host \"%s\" not found", host);
188 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST;
189 +       return -1;
190 +    }
191 +
192 +    memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
193 +    /*dest.sin_family = he->h_addrtype; */
194 +    sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
195 +    sin.sin_port = htons(port);
196 +
197 +    switch (he->h_addrtype) {
198 +    case AF_INET:
199 +       memcpy((char *) &sin.sin_addr.s_addr, (char *) he->h_addr, he->h_length);
200 +       dest = (struct sockaddr *) &sin;
201 +       destlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
202 +       break;
203 +    default:
204 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "address type is not IPv4");
205 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
206 +       return -1;
207 +       break;
208 +    }
209 +
210 +    if ((connection->sock = socket(dest->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
211 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problems creating socket");
212 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
213 +       return -1;
214 +    }
215 +
216 +    mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout);
217 +
218 +    /* connect stuff */
219 +    if (do_connect_fail(connection, dest, destlen)) {
220 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
221 +                "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port" " %i", host, port);
222 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT;
223 +       return -1;
224 +    }
225 +
226 +    return 0;
227 +}
228 +#endif                         /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */
229 +
230 +char *mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES] = {
231 +    "Artist",
232 +    "Album",
233 +    "Title",
234 +    "Track",
235 +    "Name",
236 +    "Genre",
237 +    "Date",
238 +    "Composer",
239 +    "Performer",
240 +    "Comment",
241 +    "Disc",
242 +    "Filename",
243 +    "Any"
244 +};
245 +
246 +static char *mpd_sanitizeArg(const char *arg)
247 +{
248 +    size_t i;
249 +    char *ret;
250 +    register const char *c;
251 +    register char *rc;
252 +
253 +    /* instead of counting in that loop above, just
254 +     * use a bit more memory and half running time
255 +     */
256 +    ret = malloc(strlen(arg) * 2 + 1);
257 +
258 +    c = arg;
259 +    rc = ret;
260 +    for (i = strlen(arg) + 1; i != 0; --i) {
261 +       if (*c == '"' || *c == '\\')
262 +           *rc++ = '\\';
263 +       *(rc++) = *(c++);
264 +    }
265 +
266 +    return ret;
267 +}
268 +
269 +static mpd_ReturnElement *mpd_newReturnElement(const char *name, const char *value)
270 +{
271 +    mpd_ReturnElement *ret = malloc(sizeof(mpd_ReturnElement));
272 +
273 +    ret->name = strdup(name);
274 +    ret->value = strdup(value);
275 +
276 +    return ret;
277 +}
278 +
279 +static void mpd_freeReturnElement(mpd_ReturnElement * re)
280 +{
281 +    free(re->name);
282 +    free(re->value);
283 +    free(re);
284 +}
285 +
286 +void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection * connection, float timeout)
287 +{
288 +    connection->timeout.tv_sec = (int) timeout;
289 +    connection->timeout.tv_usec = (int) (timeout * 1e6 - connection->timeout.tv_sec * 1000000 + 0.5);
290 +}
291 +
292 +static int mpd_parseWelcome(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *host, int port, char *rt, char *output)
293 +{
294 +    char *tmp;
295 +    char *test;
296 +    int i;
297 +
298 +    if (strncmp(output, MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE, strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE))) {
299 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
300 +                "mpd not running on port %i on host \"%s\"", port, host);
301 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD;
302 +       return 1;
303 +    }
304 +
305 +    tmp = &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)];
306 +
307 +    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
308 +       if (tmp)
309 +           connection->version[i] = strtol(tmp, &test, 10);
310 +
311 +       if (!tmp || (test[0] != '.' && test[0] != '\0')) {
312 +           snprintf(connection->errorStr,
313 +                    MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
314 +                    "error parsing version number at " "\"%s\"", &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]);
315 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD;
316 +           return 1;
317 +       }
318 +       tmp = ++test;
319 +    }
320 +
321 +    return 0;
322 +}
323 +
324 +mpd_Connection *mpd_newConnection(const char *host, int port, float timeout)
325 +{
326 +    int err;
327 +    char *rt;
328 +    char *output = NULL;
329 +    mpd_Connection *connection = malloc(sizeof(mpd_Connection));
330 +    struct timeval tv;
331 +    fd_set fds;
332 +    strcpy(connection->buffer, "");
333 +    connection->buflen = 0;
334 +    connection->bufstart = 0;
335 +    strcpy(connection->errorStr, "");
336 +    connection->error = 0;
337 +    connection->doneProcessing = 0;
338 +    connection->commandList = 0;
339 +    connection->listOks = 0;
340 +    connection->doneListOk = 0;
341 +    connection->returnElement = NULL;
342 +    connection->request = NULL;
343 +
344 +    if (winsock_dll_error(connection))
345 +       return connection;
346 +
347 +    if (mpd_connect(connection, host, port, timeout) < 0)
348 +       return connection;
349 +
350 +    while (!(rt = strstr(connection->buffer, "\n"))) {
351 +       tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec;
352 +       tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec;
353 +       FD_ZERO(&fds);
354 +       FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds);
355 +       if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) == 1) {
356 +           int readed;
357 +           readed = recv(connection->sock,
358 +                         &(connection->buffer[connection->buflen]), MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, 0);
359 +           if (readed <= 0) {
360 +               snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
361 +                        "problems getting a response from" " \"%s\" on port %i : %s", host, port, strerror(errno));
362 +               connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE;
363 +               return connection;
364 +           }
365 +           connection->buflen += readed;
366 +           connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0';
367 +       } else if (err < 0) {
368 +           if (SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)
369 +               continue;
370 +           snprintf(connection->errorStr,
371 +                    MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port" " %i", host, port);
372 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT;
373 +           return connection;
374 +       } else {
375 +           snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
376 +                    "timeout in attempting to get a response from" " \"%s\" on port %i", host, port);
377 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE;
378 +           return connection;
379 +       }
380 +    }
381 +
382 +    *rt = '\0';
383 +    output = strdup(connection->buffer);
384 +    strcpy(connection->buffer, rt + 1);
385 +    connection->buflen = strlen(connection->buffer);
386 +
387 +    if (mpd_parseWelcome(connection, host, port, rt, output) == 0)
388 +       connection->doneProcessing = 1;
389 +
390 +    free(output);
391 +
392 +    return connection;
393 +}
394 +
395 +void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection * connection)
396 +{
397 +    connection->error = 0;
398 +    connection->errorStr[0] = '\0';
399 +}
400 +
401 +void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection * connection)
402 +{
403 +    closesocket(connection->sock);
404 +    if (connection->returnElement)
405 +       free(connection->returnElement);
406 +    if (connection->request)
407 +       free(connection->request);
408 +    free(connection);
409 +    WSACleanup();
410 +}
411 +
412 +static void mpd_executeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *command)
413 +{
414 +    int ret;
415 +    struct timeval tv;
416 +    fd_set fds;
417 +    char *commandPtr = command;
418 +    int commandLen = strlen(command);
419 +
420 +    if (!connection->doneProcessing && !connection->commandList) {
421 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not done processing current command");
422 +       connection->error = 1;
423 +       return;
424 +    }
425 +
426 +    mpd_clearError(connection);
427 +
428 +    FD_ZERO(&fds);
429 +    FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds);
430 +    tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec;
431 +    tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec;
432 +
433 +    while ((ret = select(connection->sock + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv) == 1) || (ret == -1 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)) {
434 +       ret = send(connection->sock, commandPtr, commandLen, MSG_DONTWAIT);
435 +       if (ret <= 0) {
436 +           if (SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE)
437 +               continue;
438 +           snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems giving command \"%s\"", command);
439 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SENDING;
440 +           return;
441 +       } else {
442 +           commandPtr += ret;
443 +           commandLen -= ret;
444 +       }
445 +
446 +       if (commandLen <= 0)
447 +           break;
448 +    }
449 +
450 +    if (commandLen > 0) {
451 +       perror("");
452 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "timeout sending command \"%s\"", command);
453 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
454 +       return;
455 +    }
456 +
457 +    if (!connection->commandList)
458 +       connection->doneProcessing = 0;
459 +    else if (connection->commandList == COMMAND_LIST_OK) {
460 +       connection->listOks++;
461 +    }
462 +}
463 +
464 +static void mpd_getNextReturnElement(mpd_Connection * connection)
465 +{
466 +    char *output = NULL;
467 +    char *rt = NULL;
468 +    char *name = NULL;
469 +    char *value = NULL;
470 +    fd_set fds;
471 +    struct timeval tv;
472 +    char *tok = NULL;
473 +    int readed;
474 +    char *bufferCheck = NULL;
475 +    int err;
476 +    int pos;
477 +
478 +    if (connection->returnElement)
479 +       mpd_freeReturnElement(connection->returnElement);
480 +    connection->returnElement = NULL;
481 +
482 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
483 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already done processing current command");
484 +       connection->error = 1;
485 +       return;
486 +    }
487 +
488 +    bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart;
489 +    while (connection->bufstart >= connection->buflen || !(rt = strchr(bufferCheck, '\n'))) {
490 +       if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) {
491 +           memmove(connection->buffer,
492 +                   connection->buffer + connection->bufstart, connection->buflen - connection->bufstart + 1);
493 +           connection->buflen -= connection->bufstart;
494 +           connection->bufstart = 0;
495 +       }
496 +       if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) {
497 +           strcpy(connection->errorStr, "buffer overrun");
498 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN;
499 +           connection->doneProcessing = 1;
500 +           connection->doneListOk = 0;
501 +           return;
502 +       }
503 +       bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->buflen;
504 +       tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec;
505 +       tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec;
506 +       FD_ZERO(&fds);
507 +       FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds);
508 +       if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1)) {
509 +           readed = recv(connection->sock,
510 +                         connection->buffer + connection->buflen,
511 +                         MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT);
512 +           if (readed < 0 && SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) {
513 +               continue;
514 +           }
515 +           if (readed <= 0) {
516 +               strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection" " closed");
517 +               connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED;
518 +               connection->doneProcessing = 1;
519 +               connection->doneListOk = 0;
520 +               return;
521 +           }
522 +           connection->buflen += readed;
523 +           connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0';
524 +       } else if (err < 0 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)
525 +           continue;
526 +       else {
527 +           strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection timeout");
528 +           connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
529 +           connection->doneProcessing = 1;
530 +           connection->doneListOk = 0;
531 +           return;
532 +       }
533 +    }
534 +
535 +    *rt = '\0';
536 +    output = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart;
537 +    connection->bufstart = rt - connection->buffer + 1;
538 +
539 +    if (strcmp(output, "OK") == 0) {
540 +       if (connection->listOks > 0) {
541 +           strcpy(connection->errorStr, "expected more list_OK's");
542 +           connection->error = 1;
543 +       }
544 +       connection->listOks = 0;
545 +       connection->doneProcessing = 1;
546 +       connection->doneListOk = 0;
547 +       return;
548 +    }
549 +
550 +    if (strcmp(output, "list_OK") == 0) {
551 +       if (!connection->listOks) {
552 +           strcpy(connection->errorStr, "got an unexpected list_OK");
553 +           connection->error = 1;
554 +       } else {
555 +           connection->doneListOk = 1;
556 +           connection->listOks--;
557 +       }
558 +       return;
559 +    }
560 +
561 +    if (strncmp(output, "ACK", strlen("ACK")) == 0) {
562 +       char *test;
563 +       char *needle;
564 +       int val;
565 +
566 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, output);
567 +       connection->error = MPD_ERROR_ACK;
568 +       connection->errorCode = MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK;
569 +       connection->errorAt = MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK;
570 +       connection->doneProcessing = 1;
571 +       connection->doneListOk = 0;
572 +
573 +       needle = strchr(output, '[');
574 +       if (!needle)
575 +           return;
576 +       val = strtol(needle + 1, &test, 10);
577 +       if (*test != '@')
578 +           return;
579 +       connection->errorCode = val;
580 +       val = strtol(test + 1, &test, 10);
581 +       if (*test != ']')
582 +           return;
583 +       connection->errorAt = val;
584 +       return;
585 +    }
586 +
587 +    tok = strchr(output, ':');
588 +    if (!tok)
589 +       return;
590 +    pos = tok - output;
591 +    value = ++tok;
592 +    name = output;
593 +    name[pos] = '\0';
594 +
595 +    if (value[0] == ' ') {
596 +       connection->returnElement = mpd_newReturnElement(name, &(value[1]));
597 +    } else {
598 +       snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "error parsing: %s:%s", name, value);
599 +       connection->error = 1;
600 +    }
601 +}
602 +
603 +void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
604 +{
605 +    while (!connection->doneProcessing) {
606 +       if (connection->doneListOk)
607 +           connection->doneListOk = 0;
608 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
609 +    }
610 +}
611 +
612 +static void mpd_finishListOkCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
613 +{
614 +    while (!connection->doneProcessing && connection->listOks && !connection->doneListOk) {
615 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
616 +    }
617 +}
618 +
619 +int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
620 +{
621 +    mpd_finishListOkCommand(connection);
622 +    if (!connection->doneProcessing)
623 +       connection->doneListOk = 0;
624 +    if (connection->listOks == 0 || connection->doneProcessing)
625 +       return -1;
626 +    return 0;
627 +}
628 +
629 +void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
630 +{
631 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n");
632 +}
633 +
634 +mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection * connection)
635 +{
636 +    mpd_Status *status;
637 +
638 +    /*mpd_executeCommand(connection,"status\n");
639 +
640 +       if(connection->error) return NULL; */
641 +
642 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
643 +       return NULL;
644 +    }
645 +
646 +    if (!connection->returnElement)
647 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
648 +
649 +    status = malloc(sizeof(mpd_Status));
650 +    status->volume = -1;
651 +    status->repeat = 0;
652 +    status->random = 0;
653 +    status->playlist = -1;
654 +    status->playlistLength = -1;
655 +    status->state = -1;
656 +    status->song = 0;
657 +    status->songid = 0;
658 +    status->elapsedTime = 0;
659 +    status->totalTime = 0;
660 +    status->bitRate = 0;
661 +    status->sampleRate = 0;
662 +    status->bits = 0;
663 +    status->channels = 0;
664 +    status->crossfade = -1;
665 +    status->error = NULL;
666 +    status->updatingDb = 0;
667 +
668 +    if (connection->error) {
669 +       free(status);
670 +       return NULL;
671 +    }
672 +    while (connection->returnElement) {
673 +       mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement;
674 +       if (strcmp(re->name, "volume") == 0) {
675 +           status->volume = atoi(re->value);
676 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "repeat") == 0) {
677 +           status->repeat = atoi(re->value);
678 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "random") == 0) {
679 +           status->random = atoi(re->value);
680 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) {
681 +           status->playlist = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
682 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlistlength") == 0) {
683 +           status->playlistLength = atoi(re->value);
684 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "bitrate") == 0) {
685 +           status->bitRate = atoi(re->value);
686 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "state") == 0) {
687 +           if (strcmp(re->value, "play") == 0) {
688 +               status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY;
689 +           } else if (strcmp(re->value, "stop") == 0) {
690 +               status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP;
691 +           } else if (strcmp(re->value, "pause") == 0) {
692 +               status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE;
693 +           } else {
694 +               status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN;
695 +           }
696 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "song") == 0) {
697 +           status->song = atoi(re->value);
698 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songid") == 0) {
699 +           status->songid = atoi(re->value);
700 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "time") == 0) {
701 +           char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':');
702 +           /* the second strchr below is a safety check */
703 +           if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) {
704 +               /* atoi stops at the first non-[0-9] char: */
705 +               status->elapsedTime = atoi(re->value);
706 +               status->totalTime = atoi(tok + 1);
707 +           }
708 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "error") == 0) {
709 +           status->error = strdup(re->value);
710 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "xfade") == 0) {
711 +           status->crossfade = atoi(re->value);
712 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "updating_db") == 0) {
713 +           status->updatingDb = atoi(re->value);
714 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "audio") == 0) {
715 +           char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':');
716 +           if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) {
717 +               status->sampleRate = atoi(re->value);
718 +               status->bits = atoi(++tok);
719 +               tok = strchr(tok, ':');
720 +               if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1)))
721 +                   status->channels = atoi(tok + 1);
722 +           }
723 +       }
724 +
725 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
726 +       if (connection->error) {
727 +           free(status);
728 +           return NULL;
729 +       }
730 +    }
731 +
732 +    if (connection->error) {
733 +       free(status);
734 +       return NULL;
735 +    } else if (status->state < 0) {
736 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "state not found");
737 +       connection->error = 1;
738 +       free(status);
739 +       return NULL;
740 +    }
741 +
742 +    return status;
743 +}
744 +
745 +void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status * status)
746 +{
747 +    if (status->error)
748 +       free(status->error);
749 +    free(status);
750 +}
751 +
752 +void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
753 +{
754 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n");
755 +}
756 +
757 +mpd_Stats *mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection * connection)
758 +{
759 +    mpd_Stats *stats;
760 +
761 +    /*mpd_executeCommand(connection,"stats\n");
762 +
763 +       if(connection->error) return NULL; */
764 +
765 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
766 +       return NULL;
767 +    }
768 +
769 +    if (!connection->returnElement)
770 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
771 +
772 +    stats = malloc(sizeof(mpd_Stats));
773 +    stats->numberOfArtists = 0;
774 +    stats->numberOfAlbums = 0;
775 +    stats->numberOfSongs = 0;
776 +    stats->uptime = 0;
777 +    stats->dbUpdateTime = 0;
778 +    stats->playTime = 0;
779 +    stats->dbPlayTime = 0;
780 +
781 +    if (connection->error) {
782 +       free(stats);
783 +       return NULL;
784 +    }
785 +    while (connection->returnElement) {
786 +       mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement;
787 +       if (strcmp(re->name, "artists") == 0) {
788 +           stats->numberOfArtists = atoi(re->value);
789 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "albums") == 0) {
790 +           stats->numberOfAlbums = atoi(re->value);
791 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) {
792 +           stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value);
793 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "uptime") == 0) {
794 +           stats->uptime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
795 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_update") == 0) {
796 +           stats->dbUpdateTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
797 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) {
798 +           stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
799 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_playtime") == 0) {
800 +           stats->dbPlayTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
801 +       }
802 +
803 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
804 +       if (connection->error) {
805 +           free(stats);
806 +           return NULL;
807 +       }
808 +    }
809 +
810 +    if (connection->error) {
811 +       free(stats);
812 +       return NULL;
813 +    }
814 +
815 +    return stats;
816 +}
817 +
818 +void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats * stats)
819 +{
820 +    free(stats);
821 +}
822 +
823 +mpd_SearchStats *mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection * connection)
824 +{
825 +    mpd_SearchStats *stats;
826 +    mpd_ReturnElement *re;
827 +
828 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
829 +       return NULL;
830 +    }
831 +
832 +    if (!connection->returnElement)
833 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
834 +
835 +    if (connection->error)
836 +       return NULL;
837 +
838 +    stats = malloc(sizeof(mpd_SearchStats));
839 +    stats->numberOfSongs = 0;
840 +    stats->playTime = 0;
841 +
842 +    while (connection->returnElement) {
843 +       re = connection->returnElement;
844 +
845 +       if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) {
846 +           stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value);
847 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) {
848 +           stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
849 +       }
850 +
851 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
852 +       if (connection->error) {
853 +           free(stats);
854 +           return NULL;
855 +       }
856 +    }
857 +
858 +    if (connection->error) {
859 +       free(stats);
860 +       return NULL;
861 +    }
862 +
863 +    return stats;
864 +}
865 +
866 +void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats * stats)
867 +{
868 +    free(stats);
869 +}
870 +
871 +static void mpd_initSong(mpd_Song * song)
872 +{
873 +    song->file = NULL;
874 +    song->artist = NULL;
875 +    song->album = NULL;
876 +    song->track = NULL;
877 +    song->title = NULL;
878 +    song->name = NULL;
879 +    song->date = NULL;
880 +    /* added by Qball */
881 +    song->genre = NULL;
882 +    song->composer = NULL;
883 +    song->performer = NULL;
884 +    song->disc = NULL;
885 +    song->comment = NULL;
886 +
887 +    song->time = MPD_SONG_NO_TIME;
888 +    song->pos = MPD_SONG_NO_NUM;
889 +    song->id = MPD_SONG_NO_ID;
890 +}
891 +
892 +static void mpd_finishSong(mpd_Song * song)
893 +{
894 +    if (song->file)
895 +       free(song->file);
896 +    if (song->artist)
897 +       free(song->artist);
898 +    if (song->album)
899 +       free(song->album);
900 +    if (song->title)
901 +       free(song->title);
902 +    if (song->track)
903 +       free(song->track);
904 +    if (song->name)
905 +       free(song->name);
906 +    if (song->date)
907 +       free(song->date);
908 +    if (song->genre)
909 +       free(song->genre);
910 +    if (song->composer)
911 +       free(song->composer);
912 +    if (song->disc)
913 +       free(song->disc);
914 +    if (song->comment)
915 +       free(song->comment);
916 +}
917 +
918 +mpd_Song *mpd_newSong(void)
919 +{
920 +    mpd_Song *ret = malloc(sizeof(mpd_Song));
921 +
922 +    mpd_initSong(ret);
923 +
924 +    return ret;
925 +}
926 +
927 +void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song * song)
928 +{
929 +    mpd_finishSong(song);
930 +    free(song);
931 +}
932 +
933 +mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song * song)
934 +{
935 +    mpd_Song *ret = mpd_newSong();
936 +
937 +    if (song->file)
938 +       ret->file = strdup(song->file);
939 +    if (song->artist)
940 +       ret->artist = strdup(song->artist);
941 +    if (song->album)
942 +       ret->album = strdup(song->album);
943 +    if (song->title)
944 +       ret->title = strdup(song->title);
945 +    if (song->track)
946 +       ret->track = strdup(song->track);
947 +    if (song->name)
948 +       ret->name = strdup(song->name);
949 +    if (song->date)
950 +       ret->date = strdup(song->date);
951 +    if (song->genre)
952 +       ret->genre = strdup(song->genre);
953 +    if (song->composer)
954 +       ret->composer = strdup(song->composer);
955 +    if (song->disc)
956 +       ret->disc = strdup(song->disc);
957 +    if (song->comment)
958 +       ret->comment = strdup(song->comment);
959 +    ret->time = song->time;
960 +    ret->pos = song->pos;
961 +    ret->id = song->id;
962 +
963 +    return ret;
964 +}
965 +
966 +static void mpd_initDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory)
967 +{
968 +    directory->path = NULL;
969 +}
970 +
971 +static void mpd_finishDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory)
972 +{
973 +    if (directory->path)
974 +       free(directory->path);
975 +}
976 +
977 +mpd_Directory *mpd_newDirectory(void)
978 +{
979 +    mpd_Directory *directory = malloc(sizeof(mpd_Directory));;
980 +
981 +    mpd_initDirectory(directory);
982 +
983 +    return directory;
984 +}
985 +
986 +void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory)
987 +{
988 +    mpd_finishDirectory(directory);
989 +
990 +    free(directory);
991 +}
992 +
993 +mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory * directory)
994 +{
995 +    mpd_Directory *ret = mpd_newDirectory();
996 +
997 +    if (directory->path)
998 +       ret->path = strdup(directory->path);
999 +
1000 +    return ret;
1001 +}
1002 +
1003 +static void mpd_initPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist)
1004 +{
1005 +    playlist->path = NULL;
1006 +}
1007 +
1008 +static void mpd_finishPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist)
1009 +{
1010 +    if (playlist->path)
1011 +       free(playlist->path);
1012 +}
1013 +
1014 +mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_newPlaylistFile(void)
1015 +{
1016 +    mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist = malloc(sizeof(mpd_PlaylistFile));
1017 +
1018 +    mpd_initPlaylistFile(playlist);
1019 +
1020 +    return playlist;
1021 +}
1022 +
1023 +void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist)
1024 +{
1025 +    mpd_finishPlaylistFile(playlist);
1026 +    free(playlist);
1027 +}
1028 +
1029 +mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist)
1030 +{
1031 +    mpd_PlaylistFile *ret = mpd_newPlaylistFile();
1032 +
1033 +    if (playlist->path)
1034 +       ret->path = strdup(playlist->path);
1035 +
1036 +    return ret;
1037 +}
1038 +
1039 +static void mpd_initInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity)
1040 +{
1041 +    entity->info.directory = NULL;
1042 +}
1043 +
1044 +static void mpd_finishInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity)
1045 +{
1046 +    if (entity->info.directory) {
1047 +       if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
1048 +           mpd_freeDirectory(entity->info.directory);
1049 +       } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) {
1050 +           mpd_freeSong(entity->info.song);
1051 +       } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) {
1052 +           mpd_freePlaylistFile(entity->info.playlistFile);
1053 +       }
1054 +    }
1055 +}
1056 +
1057 +mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void)
1058 +{
1059 +    mpd_InfoEntity *entity = malloc(sizeof(mpd_InfoEntity));
1060 +
1061 +    mpd_initInfoEntity(entity);
1062 +
1063 +    return entity;
1064 +}
1065 +
1066 +void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity)
1067 +{
1068 +    mpd_finishInfoEntity(entity);
1069 +    free(entity);
1070 +}
1071 +
1072 +static void mpd_sendInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *command)
1073 +{
1074 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, command);
1075 +}
1076 +
1077 +mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection * connection)
1078 +{
1079 +    mpd_InfoEntity *entity = NULL;
1080 +
1081 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
1082 +       return NULL;
1083 +    }
1084 +
1085 +    if (!connection->returnElement)
1086 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1087 +
1088 +    if (connection->returnElement) {
1089 +       if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "file") == 0) {
1090 +           entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
1091 +           entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG;
1092 +           entity->info.song = mpd_newSong();
1093 +           entity->info.song->file = strdup(connection->returnElement->value);
1094 +       } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "directory") == 0) {
1095 +           entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
1096 +           entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
1097 +           entity->info.directory = mpd_newDirectory();
1098 +           entity->info.directory->path = strdup(connection->returnElement->value);
1099 +       } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "playlist") == 0) {
1100 +           entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
1101 +           entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE;
1102 +           entity->info.playlistFile = mpd_newPlaylistFile();
1103 +           entity->info.playlistFile->path = strdup(connection->returnElement->value);
1104 +       } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "cpos") == 0) {
1105 +           entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
1106 +           entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG;
1107 +           entity->info.song = mpd_newSong();
1108 +           entity->info.song->pos = atoi(connection->returnElement->value);
1109 +       } else {
1110 +           connection->error = 1;
1111 +           strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problem parsing song info");
1112 +           return NULL;
1113 +       }
1114 +    } else
1115 +       return NULL;
1116 +
1117 +    mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1118 +    while (connection->returnElement) {
1119 +       mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement;
1120 +
1121 +       if (strcmp(re->name, "file") == 0)
1122 +           return entity;
1123 +       else if (strcmp(re->name, "directory") == 0)
1124 +           return entity;
1125 +       else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0)
1126 +           return entity;
1127 +       else if (strcmp(re->name, "cpos") == 0)
1128 +           return entity;
1129 +
1130 +       if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG && strlen(re->value)) {
1131 +           if (!entity->info.song->artist && strcmp(re->name, "Artist") == 0) {
1132 +               entity->info.song->artist = strdup(re->value);
1133 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->album && strcmp(re->name, "Album") == 0) {
1134 +               entity->info.song->album = strdup(re->value);
1135 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->title && strcmp(re->name, "Title") == 0) {
1136 +               entity->info.song->title = strdup(re->value);
1137 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->track && strcmp(re->name, "Track") == 0) {
1138 +               entity->info.song->track = strdup(re->value);
1139 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->name && strcmp(re->name, "Name") == 0) {
1140 +               entity->info.song->name = strdup(re->value);
1141 +           } else if (entity->info.song->time == MPD_SONG_NO_TIME && strcmp(re->name, "Time") == 0) {
1142 +               entity->info.song->time = atoi(re->value);
1143 +           } else if (entity->info.song->pos == MPD_SONG_NO_NUM && strcmp(re->name, "Pos") == 0) {
1144 +               entity->info.song->pos = atoi(re->value);
1145 +           } else if (entity->info.song->id == MPD_SONG_NO_ID && strcmp(re->name, "Id") == 0) {
1146 +               entity->info.song->id = atoi(re->value);
1147 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->date && strcmp(re->name, "Date") == 0) {
1148 +               entity->info.song->date = strdup(re->value);
1149 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->genre && strcmp(re->name, "Genre") == 0) {
1150 +               entity->info.song->genre = strdup(re->value);
1151 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->composer && strcmp(re->name, "Composer") == 0) {
1152 +               entity->info.song->composer = strdup(re->value);
1153 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->performer && strcmp(re->name, "Performer") == 0) {
1154 +               entity->info.song->performer = strdup(re->value);
1155 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->disc && strcmp(re->name, "Disc") == 0) {
1156 +               entity->info.song->disc = strdup(re->value);
1157 +           } else if (!entity->info.song->comment && strcmp(re->name, "Comment") == 0) {
1158 +               entity->info.song->comment = strdup(re->value);
1159 +           }
1160 +       } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
1161 +       } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) {
1162 +       }
1163 +
1164 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1165 +    }
1166 +
1167 +    return entity;
1168 +}
1169 +
1170 +static char *mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name)
1171 +{
1172 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
1173 +       return NULL;
1174 +    }
1175 +
1176 +    mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1177 +    while (connection->returnElement) {
1178 +       mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement;
1179 +
1180 +       if (strcmp(re->name, name) == 0)
1181 +           return strdup(re->value);
1182 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1183 +    }
1184 +
1185 +    return NULL;
1186 +}
1187 +
1188 +char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection * connection, int type)
1189 +{
1190 +    if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES || type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY)
1191 +       return NULL;
1192 +    if (type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME)
1193 +       return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "file");
1194 +    return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, mpdTagItemKeys[type]);
1195 +}
1196 +
1197 +char *mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection * connection)
1198 +{
1199 +    return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Artist");
1200 +}
1201 +
1202 +char *mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection * connection)
1203 +{
1204 +    return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Album");
1205 +}
1206 +
1207 +void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songPos)
1208 +{
1209 +    int len = strlen("playlistinfo") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1210 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1211 +    snprintf(string, len, "playlistinfo \"%i\"\n", songPos);
1212 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1213 +    free(string);
1214 +}
1215 +
1216 +void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id)
1217 +{
1218 +    int len = strlen("playlistid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1219 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1220 +    snprintf(string, len, "playlistid \"%i\"\n", id);
1221 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1222 +    free(string);
1223 +}
1224 +
1225 +void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist)
1226 +{
1227 +    int len = strlen("plchanges") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3;
1228 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1229 +    snprintf(string, len, "plchanges \"%lld\"\n", playlist);
1230 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1231 +    free(string);
1232 +}
1233 +
1234 +void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist)
1235 +{
1236 +    int len = strlen("plchangesposid") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3;
1237 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1238 +    snprintf(string, len, "plchangesposid \"%lld\"\n", playlist);
1239 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1240 +    free(string);
1241 +}
1242 +
1243 +void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *dir)
1244 +{
1245 +    char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir);
1246 +    int len = strlen("listall") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3;
1247 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1248 +    snprintf(string, len, "listall \"%s\"\n", sDir);
1249 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1250 +    free(string);
1251 +    free(sDir);
1252 +}
1253 +
1254 +void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *dir)
1255 +{
1256 +    char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir);
1257 +    int len = strlen("listallinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3;
1258 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1259 +    snprintf(string, len, "listallinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir);
1260 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1261 +    free(string);
1262 +    free(sDir);
1263 +}
1264 +
1265 +void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *dir)
1266 +{
1267 +    char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir);
1268 +    int len = strlen("lsinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3;
1269 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1270 +    snprintf(string, len, "lsinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir);
1271 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1272 +    free(string);
1273 +    free(sDir);
1274 +}
1275 +
1276 +void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1277 +{
1278 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "currentsong\n");
1279 +}
1280 +
1281 +void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table, const char *str)
1282 +{
1283 +    mpd_startSearch(connection, 0);
1284 +    mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str);
1285 +    mpd_commitSearch(connection);
1286 +}
1287 +
1288 +void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table, const char *str)
1289 +{
1290 +    mpd_startSearch(connection, 1);
1291 +    mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str);
1292 +    mpd_commitSearch(connection);
1293 +}
1294 +
1295 +void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table, const char *arg1)
1296 +{
1297 +    char st[10];
1298 +    int len;
1299 +    char *string;
1300 +    if (table == MPD_TABLE_ARTIST)
1301 +       strcpy(st, "artist");
1302 +    else if (table == MPD_TABLE_ALBUM)
1303 +       strcpy(st, "album");
1304 +    else {
1305 +       connection->error = 1;
1306 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "unknown table for list");
1307 +       return;
1308 +    }
1309 +    if (arg1) {
1310 +       char *sanitArg1 = mpd_sanitizeArg(arg1);
1311 +       len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(sanitArg1) + 2 + strlen(st) + 3;
1312 +       string = malloc(len);
1313 +       snprintf(string, len, "list %s \"%s\"\n", st, sanitArg1);
1314 +       free(sanitArg1);
1315 +    } else {
1316 +       len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(st) + 2;
1317 +       string = malloc(len);
1318 +       snprintf(string, len, "list %s\n", st);
1319 +    }
1320 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1321 +    free(string);
1322 +}
1323 +
1324 +void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *file)
1325 +{
1326 +    char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file);
1327 +    int len = strlen("add") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3;
1328 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1329 +    snprintf(string, len, "add \"%s\"\n", sFile);
1330 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1331 +    free(string);
1332 +    free(sFile);
1333 +}
1334 +
1335 +int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *file)
1336 +{
1337 +    int retval = -1;
1338 +    char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file);
1339 +    int len = strlen("addid") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3;
1340 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1341 +
1342 +    snprintf(string, len, "addid \"%s\"\n", sFile);
1343 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1344 +    free(string);
1345 +    free(sFile);
1346 +
1347 +    string = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Id");
1348 +    if (string) {
1349 +       retval = atoi(string);
1350 +       free(string);
1351 +    }
1352 +
1353 +    return retval;
1354 +}
1355 +
1356 +void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songPos)
1357 +{
1358 +    int len = strlen("delete") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1359 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1360 +    snprintf(string, len, "delete \"%i\"\n", songPos);
1361 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1362 +    free(string);
1363 +}
1364 +
1365 +void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id)
1366 +{
1367 +    int len = strlen("deleteid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1368 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1369 +    snprintf(string, len, "deleteid \"%i\"\n", id);
1370 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1371 +    free(string);
1372 +}
1373 +
1374 +void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name)
1375 +{
1376 +    char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
1377 +    int len = strlen("save") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3;
1378 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1379 +    snprintf(string, len, "save \"%s\"\n", sName);
1380 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1381 +    free(string);
1382 +    free(sName);
1383 +}
1384 +
1385 +void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name)
1386 +{
1387 +    char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
1388 +    int len = strlen("load") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3;
1389 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1390 +    snprintf(string, len, "load \"%s\"\n", sName);
1391 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1392 +    free(string);
1393 +    free(sName);
1394 +}
1395 +
1396 +void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name)
1397 +{
1398 +    char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
1399 +    int len = strlen("rm") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3;
1400 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1401 +    snprintf(string, len, "rm \"%s\"\n", sName);
1402 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1403 +    free(string);
1404 +    free(sName);
1405 +}
1406 +
1407 +void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *from, const char *to)
1408 +{
1409 +    char *sFrom = mpd_sanitizeArg(from);
1410 +    char *sTo = mpd_sanitizeArg(to);
1411 +    int len = strlen("rename") + 2 + strlen(sFrom) + 3 + strlen(sTo) + 3;
1412 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1413 +    snprintf(string, len, "rename \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sFrom, sTo);
1414 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1415 +    free(string);
1416 +    free(sFrom);
1417 +    free(sTo);
1418 +}
1419 +
1420 +void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1421 +{
1422 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "shuffle\n");
1423 +}
1424 +
1425 +void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1426 +{
1427 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "clear\n");
1428 +}
1429 +
1430 +void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songPos)
1431 +{
1432 +    int len = strlen("play") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1433 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1434 +    snprintf(string, len, "play \"%i\"\n", songPos);
1435 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1436 +    free(string);
1437 +}
1438 +
1439 +void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id)
1440 +{
1441 +    int len = strlen("playid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1442 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1443 +    snprintf(string, len, "playid \"%i\"\n", id);
1444 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1445 +    free(string);
1446 +}
1447 +
1448 +void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1449 +{
1450 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stop\n");
1451 +}
1452 +
1453 +void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int pauseMode)
1454 +{
1455 +    int len = strlen("pause") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1456 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1457 +    snprintf(string, len, "pause \"%i\"\n", pauseMode);
1458 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1459 +    free(string);
1460 +}
1461 +
1462 +void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1463 +{
1464 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "next\n");
1465 +}
1466 +
1467 +void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int from, int to)
1468 +{
1469 +    int len = strlen("move") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1470 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1471 +    snprintf(string, len, "move \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", from, to);
1472 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1473 +    free(string);
1474 +}
1475 +
1476 +void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id, int to)
1477 +{
1478 +    int len = strlen("moveid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1479 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1480 +    snprintf(string, len, "moveid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, to);
1481 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1482 +    free(string);
1483 +}
1484 +
1485 +void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song1, int song2)
1486 +{
1487 +    int len = strlen("swap") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1488 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1489 +    snprintf(string, len, "swap \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song1, song2);
1490 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1491 +    free(string);
1492 +}
1493 +
1494 +void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id1, int id2)
1495 +{
1496 +    int len = strlen("swapid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1497 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1498 +    snprintf(string, len, "swapid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id1, id2);
1499 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1500 +    free(string);
1501 +}
1502 +
1503 +void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song, int time)
1504 +{
1505 +    int len = strlen("seek") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1506 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1507 +    snprintf(string, len, "seek \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song, time);
1508 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1509 +    free(string);
1510 +}
1511 +
1512 +void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id, int time)
1513 +{
1514 +    int len = strlen("seekid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1515 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1516 +    snprintf(string, len, "seekid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, time);
1517 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1518 +    free(string);
1519 +}
1520 +
1521 +void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path)
1522 +{
1523 +    char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
1524 +    int len = strlen("update") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3;
1525 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1526 +    snprintf(string, len, "update \"%s\"\n", sPath);
1527 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
1528 +    free(string);
1529 +    free(sPath);
1530 +}
1531 +
1532 +int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection * connection)
1533 +{
1534 +    char *jobid;
1535 +    int ret = 0;
1536 +
1537 +    jobid = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "updating_db");
1538 +    if (jobid) {
1539 +       ret = atoi(jobid);
1540 +       free(jobid);
1541 +    }
1542 +
1543 +    return ret;
1544 +}
1545 +
1546 +void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1547 +{
1548 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "previous\n");
1549 +}
1550 +
1551 +void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int repeatMode)
1552 +{
1553 +    int len = strlen("repeat") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1554 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1555 +    snprintf(string, len, "repeat \"%i\"\n", repeatMode);
1556 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1557 +    free(string);
1558 +}
1559 +
1560 +void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int randomMode)
1561 +{
1562 +    int len = strlen("random") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1563 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1564 +    snprintf(string, len, "random \"%i\"\n", randomMode);
1565 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1566 +    free(string);
1567 +}
1568 +
1569 +void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange)
1570 +{
1571 +    int len = strlen("setvol") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1572 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1573 +    snprintf(string, len, "setvol \"%i\"\n", volumeChange);
1574 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1575 +    free(string);
1576 +}
1577 +
1578 +void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange)
1579 +{
1580 +    int len = strlen("volume") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1581 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1582 +    snprintf(string, len, "volume \"%i\"\n", volumeChange);
1583 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1584 +    free(string);
1585 +}
1586 +
1587 +void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int seconds)
1588 +{
1589 +    int len = strlen("crossfade") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1590 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1591 +    snprintf(string, len, "crossfade \"%i\"\n", seconds);
1592 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1593 +    free(string);
1594 +}
1595 +
1596 +void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *pass)
1597 +{
1598 +    char *sPass = mpd_sanitizeArg(pass);
1599 +    int len = strlen("password") + 2 + strlen(sPass) + 3;
1600 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1601 +    snprintf(string, len, "password \"%s\"\n", sPass);
1602 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1603 +    free(string);
1604 +    free(sPass);
1605 +}
1606 +
1607 +void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection * connection)
1608 +{
1609 +    if (connection->commandList) {
1610 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode");
1611 +       connection->error = 1;
1612 +       return;
1613 +    }
1614 +    connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST;
1615 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_begin\n");
1616 +}
1617 +
1618 +void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection * connection)
1619 +{
1620 +    if (connection->commandList) {
1621 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode");
1622 +       connection->error = 1;
1623 +       return;
1624 +    }
1625 +    connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST_OK;
1626 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_ok_begin\n");
1627 +    connection->listOks = 0;
1628 +}
1629 +
1630 +void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection * connection)
1631 +{
1632 +    if (!connection->commandList) {
1633 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not in command list mode");
1634 +       connection->error = 1;
1635 +       return;
1636 +    }
1637 +    connection->commandList = 0;
1638 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_end\n");
1639 +}
1640 +
1641 +void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1642 +{
1643 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "outputs\n");
1644 +}
1645 +
1646 +mpd_OutputEntity *mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection * connection)
1647 +{
1648 +    mpd_OutputEntity *output = NULL;
1649 +
1650 +    if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
1651 +       return NULL;
1652 +    }
1653 +
1654 +    if (connection->error)
1655 +       return NULL;
1656 +
1657 +    output = malloc(sizeof(mpd_OutputEntity));
1658 +    output->id = -10;
1659 +    output->name = NULL;
1660 +    output->enabled = 0;
1661 +
1662 +    if (!connection->returnElement)
1663 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1664 +
1665 +    while (connection->returnElement) {
1666 +       mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement;
1667 +       if (strcmp(re->name, "outputid") == 0) {
1668 +           if (output != NULL && output->id >= 0)
1669 +               return output;
1670 +           output->id = atoi(re->value);
1671 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputname") == 0) {
1672 +           output->name = strdup(re->value);
1673 +       } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputenabled") == 0) {
1674 +           output->enabled = atoi(re->value);
1675 +       }
1676 +
1677 +       mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
1678 +       if (connection->error) {
1679 +           free(output);
1680 +           return NULL;
1681 +       }
1682 +
1683 +    }
1684 +
1685 +    return output;
1686 +}
1687 +
1688 +void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId)
1689 +{
1690 +    int len = strlen("enableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1691 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1692 +    snprintf(string, len, "enableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId);
1693 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1694 +    free(string);
1695 +}
1696 +
1697 +void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId)
1698 +{
1699 +    int len = strlen("disableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3;
1700 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1701 +    snprintf(string, len, "disableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId);
1702 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1703 +    free(string);
1704 +}
1705 +
1706 +void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity * output)
1707 +{
1708 +    free(output->name);
1709 +    free(output);
1710 +}
1711 +
1712 +/**
1713 + * mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand
1714 + * odd naming, but it gets the not allowed commands
1715 + */
1716 +
1717 +void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1718 +{
1719 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "notcommands\n");
1720 +}
1721 +
1722 +/**
1723 + * mpd_sendCommandsCommand
1724 + * odd naming, but it gets the allowed commands
1725 + */
1726 +void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1727 +{
1728 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "commands\n");
1729 +}
1730 +
1731 +/**
1732 + * Get the next returned command
1733 + */
1734 +char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1735 +{
1736 +    return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "command");
1737 +}
1738 +
1739 +void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1740 +{
1741 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "urlhandlers\n");
1742 +}
1743 +
1744 +char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection * connection)
1745 +{
1746 +    return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "handler");
1747 +}
1748 +
1749 +void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
1750 +{
1751 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, "tagtypes\n");
1752 +}
1753 +
1754 +char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection * connection)
1755 +{
1756 +    return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "tagtype");
1757 +}
1758 +
1759 +void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int exact)
1760 +{
1761 +    if (connection->request) {
1762 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
1763 +       connection->error = 1;
1764 +       return;
1765 +    }
1766 +
1767 +    if (exact)
1768 +       connection->request = strdup("find");
1769 +    else
1770 +       connection->request = strdup("search");
1771 +}
1772 +
1773 +void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection * connection)
1774 +{
1775 +    if (connection->request) {
1776 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
1777 +       connection->error = 1;
1778 +       return;
1779 +    }
1780 +
1781 +    connection->request = strdup("count");
1782 +}
1783 +
1784 +void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int exact)
1785 +{
1786 +    if (connection->request) {
1787 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
1788 +       connection->error = 1;
1789 +       return;
1790 +    }
1791 +
1792 +    if (exact)
1793 +       connection->request = strdup("playlistfind");
1794 +    else
1795 +       connection->request = strdup("playlistsearch");
1796 +}
1797 +
1798 +void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int type)
1799 +{
1800 +    char *strtype;
1801 +    int len;
1802 +
1803 +    if (connection->request) {
1804 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
1805 +       connection->error = 1;
1806 +       return;
1807 +    }
1808 +
1809 +    if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) {
1810 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified");
1811 +       connection->error = 1;
1812 +       return;
1813 +    }
1814 +
1815 +    strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type];
1816 +
1817 +    len = 5 + strlen(strtype) + 1;
1818 +    connection->request = malloc(len);
1819 +
1820 +    snprintf(connection->request, len, "list %c%s", tolower(strtype[0]), strtype + 1);
1821 +}
1822 +
1823 +void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int type, const char *name)
1824 +{
1825 +    char *strtype;
1826 +    char *arg;
1827 +    int len;
1828 +    char *string;
1829 +
1830 +    if (!connection->request) {
1831 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress");
1832 +       connection->error = 1;
1833 +       return;
1834 +    }
1835 +
1836 +    if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) {
1837 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified");
1838 +       connection->error = 1;
1839 +       return;
1840 +    }
1841 +
1842 +    if (name == NULL) {
1843 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no name specified");
1844 +       connection->error = 1;
1845 +       return;
1846 +    }
1847 +
1848 +    string = strdup(connection->request);
1849 +    strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type];
1850 +    arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
1851 +
1852 +    len = strlen(string) + 1 + strlen(strtype) + 2 + strlen(arg) + 2;
1853 +    connection->request = realloc(connection->request, len);
1854 +    snprintf(connection->request, len, "%s %c%s \"%s\"", string, tolower(strtype[0]), strtype + 1, arg);
1855 +
1856 +    free(string);
1857 +    free(arg);
1858 +}
1859 +
1860 +void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection * connection)
1861 +{
1862 +    int len;
1863 +
1864 +    if (!connection->request) {
1865 +       strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress");
1866 +       connection->error = 1;
1867 +       return;
1868 +    }
1869 +
1870 +    len = strlen(connection->request) + 2;
1871 +    connection->request = realloc(connection->request, len);
1872 +    connection->request[len - 2] = '\n';
1873 +    connection->request[len - 1] = '\0';
1874 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, connection->request);
1875 +
1876 +    free(connection->request);
1877 +    connection->request = NULL;
1878 +}
1879 +
1880 +/**
1881 + * @param connection a MpdConnection
1882 + * @param path the path to the playlist.
1883 + *
1884 + * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist.
1885 + *
1886 + */
1887 +void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path)
1888 +{
1889 +    char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
1890 +    int len = strlen("listplaylistinfo") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3;
1891 +    char *query = malloc(len);
1892 +    snprintf(query, len, "listplaylistinfo \"%s\"\n", arg);
1893 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query);
1894 +    free(arg);
1895 +    free(query);
1896 +}
1897 +
1898 +/**
1899 + * @param connection a MpdConnection
1900 + * @param path the path to the playlist.
1901 + *
1902 + * List the content of a stored playlist.
1903 + *
1904 + */
1905 +void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path)
1906 +{
1907 +    char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
1908 +    int len = strlen("listplaylist") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3;
1909 +    char *query = malloc(len);
1910 +    snprintf(query, len, "listplaylist \"%s\"\n", arg);
1911 +    mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query);
1912 +    free(arg);
1913 +    free(query);
1914 +}
1915 +
1916 +void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path)
1917 +{
1918 +    char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
1919 +    int len = strlen("playlistclear") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3;
1920 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1921 +    snprintf(string, len, "playlistclear \"%s\"\n", sPath);
1922 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1923 +    free(sPath);
1924 +    free(string);
1925 +}
1926 +
1927 +void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *playlist, char *path)
1928 +{
1929 +    char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist);
1930 +    char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
1931 +    int len = strlen("playlistadd") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + strlen(sPath) + 3;
1932 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1933 +    snprintf(string, len, "playlistadd \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sPlaylist, sPath);
1934 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1935 +    free(sPlaylist);
1936 +    free(sPath);
1937 +    free(string);
1938 +}
1939 +
1940 +void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *playlist, int from, int to)
1941 +{
1942 +    char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist);
1943 +    int len = strlen("playlistmove") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1944 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1945 +    snprintf(string, len, "playlistmove \"%s\" \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, from, to);
1946 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1947 +    free(sPlaylist);
1948 +    free(string);
1949 +}
1950 +
1951 +void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *playlist, int pos)
1952 +{
1953 +    char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist);
1954 +    int len = strlen("playlistdelete") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + 3;
1955 +    char *string = malloc(len);
1956 +    snprintf(string, len, "playlistdelete \"%s\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, pos);
1957 +    mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
1958 +    free(sPlaylist);
1959 +    free(string);
1960 +}
1961 --- /dev/null
1962 +++ b/libmpdclient.h
1963 @@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
1964 +/* libmpdclient
1965 +   (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com)
1966 +   This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
1967 +
1968 +   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1969 +   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
1970 +   are met:
1971 +
1972 +   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
1973 +   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
1974 +
1975 +   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
1976 +   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
1977 +   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
1978 +
1979 +   - Neither the name of the Music Player Daemon nor the names of its
1980 +   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
1981 +   this software without specific prior written permission.
1982 +
1994 +*/
1995 +
1996 +#ifndef LIBMPDCLIENT_H
1997 +#define LIBMPDCLIENT_H
1998 +
1999 +#ifdef WIN32
2000 +#  define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__ 1
2001 +#endif
2002 +
2003 +#include <sys/time.h>
2004 +#include <stdarg.h>
2005 +#define MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH  50000
2006 +#define MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH        1000
2007 +#define MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE    "OK MPD "
2008 +
2009 +#define MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT      10      /* timeout trying to talk to mpd */
2010 +#define MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM       11      /* system error */
2011 +#define MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST      12      /* unknown host */
2012 +#define MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT     13      /* problems connecting to port on host */
2013 +#define MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD       14      /* mpd not running on port at host */
2014 +#define MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE   15      /* no response on attempting to connect */
2015 +#define MPD_ERROR_SENDING      16      /* error sending command */
2016 +#define MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED   17      /* connection closed by mpd */
2017 +#define MPD_ERROR_ACK          18      /* ACK returned! */
2018 +#define MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN        19      /* Buffer was overrun! */
2019 +
2020 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK      -1
2021 +#define MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK       -1
2022 +
2023 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NOT_LIST                 1
2024 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_ARG                      2
2025 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PASSWORD                 3
2026 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PERMISSION               4
2027 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD              5
2028 +
2029 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST                 50
2030 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_MAX             51
2031 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM                   52
2032 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD            53
2033 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UPDATE_ALREADY           54
2034 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYER_SYNC              55
2035 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_EXIST                    56
2036 +
2037 +#ifdef __cplusplus
2038 +extern "C" {
2039 +#endif
2040 +
2041 +    typedef enum mpd_TagItems {
2042 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST,
2043 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM,
2044 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE,
2045 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_TRACK,
2046 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_NAME,
2047 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE,
2048 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_DATE,
2051 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMMENT,
2052 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_DISC,
2054 +       MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY,
2056 +    } mpd_TagItems;
2057 +
2058 +    extern char *mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES];
2059 +
2060 +/* internal stuff don't touch this struct */
2061 +    typedef struct _mpd_ReturnElement {
2062 +       char *name;
2063 +       char *value;
2064 +    } mpd_ReturnElement;
2065 +
2066 +/* mpd_Connection
2067 + * holds info about connection to mpd
2068 + * use error, and errorStr to detect errors
2069 + */
2070 +    typedef struct _mpd_Connection {
2071 +       /* use this to check the version of mpd */
2072 +       int version[3];
2073 +       /* IMPORTANT, you want to get the error messages from here */
2074 +       char errorStr[MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
2075 +       int errorCode;
2076 +       int errorAt;
2077 +       /* this will be set to MPD_ERROR_* if there is an error, 0 if not */
2078 +       int error;
2079 +       /* DON'T TOUCH any of the rest of this stuff */
2080 +       int sock;
2081 +       char buffer[MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
2082 +       int buflen;
2083 +       int bufstart;
2084 +       int doneProcessing;
2085 +       int listOks;
2086 +       int doneListOk;
2087 +       int commandList;
2088 +       mpd_ReturnElement *returnElement;
2089 +       struct timeval timeout;
2090 +       char *request;
2091 +    } mpd_Connection;
2092 +
2093 +/* mpd_newConnection
2094 + * use this to open a new connection
2095 + * you should use mpd_closeConnection, when your done with the connection,
2096 + * even if an error has occurred
2097 + * _timeout_ is the connection timeout period in seconds
2098 + */
2099 +    mpd_Connection *mpd_newConnection(const char *host, int port, float timeout);
2100 +
2101 +    void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection * connection, float timeout);
2102 +
2103 +/* mpd_closeConnection
2104 + * use this to close a connection and free'ing subsequent memory
2105 + */
2106 +    void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection * connection);
2107 +
2108 +/* mpd_clearError
2109 + * clears error
2110 + */
2111 +    void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection * connection);
2112 +
2113 +/* STATUS STUFF */
2114 +
2115 +/* use these with status.state to determine what state the player is in */
2116 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN       0
2117 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP          1
2118 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY          2
2119 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE         3
2120 +
2121 +/* us this with status.volume to determine if mpd has volume support */
2122 +#define MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME           -1
2123 +
2124 +/* mpd_Status
2125 + * holds info return from status command
2126 + */
2127 +    typedef struct mpd_Status {
2128 +       /* 0-100, or MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME when there is no volume support */
2129 +       int volume;
2130 +       /* 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise */
2131 +       int repeat;
2132 +       /* 1 if random is on, 0 otherwise */
2133 +       int random;
2134 +       /* playlist length */
2135 +       int playlistLength;
2136 +       /* playlist, use this to determine when the playlist has changed */
2137 +       long long playlist;
2138 +       /* use with MPD_STATUS_STATE_* to determine state of player */
2139 +       int state;
2140 +       /* crossfade setting in seconds */
2141 +       int crossfade;
2142 +       /* if a song is currently selected (always the case when state is
2143 +        * PLAY or PAUSE), this is the position of the currently
2144 +        * playing song in the playlist, beginning with 0
2145 +        */
2146 +       int song;
2147 +       /* Song ID of the currently selected song */
2148 +       int songid;
2149 +       /* time in seconds that have elapsed in the currently playing/paused
2150 +        * song
2151 +        */
2152 +       int elapsedTime;
2153 +       /* length in seconds of the currently playing/paused song */
2154 +       int totalTime;
2155 +       /* current bit rate in kbs */
2156 +       int bitRate;
2157 +       /* audio sample rate */
2158 +       unsigned int sampleRate;
2159 +       /* audio bits */
2160 +       int bits;
2161 +       /* audio channels */
2162 +       int channels;
2163 +       /* 1 if mpd is updating, 0 otherwise */
2164 +       int updatingDb;
2165 +       /* error */
2166 +       char *error;
2167 +    } mpd_Status;
2168 +
2169 +    void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2170 +
2171 +/* mpd_getStatus
2172 + * returns status info, be sure to free it with mpd_freeStatus()
2173 + * call this after mpd_sendStatusCommand()
2174 + */
2175 +    mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection * connection);
2176 +
2177 +/* mpd_freeStatus
2178 + * free's status info malloc'd and returned by mpd_getStatus
2179 + */
2180 +    void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status * status);
2181 +
2182 +    typedef struct _mpd_Stats {
2183 +       int numberOfArtists;
2184 +       int numberOfAlbums;
2185 +       int numberOfSongs;
2186 +       unsigned long uptime;
2187 +       unsigned long dbUpdateTime;
2188 +       unsigned long playTime;
2189 +       unsigned long dbPlayTime;
2190 +    } mpd_Stats;
2191 +
2192 +    typedef struct _mpd_SearchStats {
2193 +       int numberOfSongs;
2194 +       unsigned long playTime;
2195 +    } mpd_SearchStats;
2196 +
2197 +    void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2198 +
2199 +    mpd_Stats *mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection * connection);
2200 +
2201 +    void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats * stats);
2202 +
2203 +    mpd_SearchStats *mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection * connection);
2204 +
2205 +    void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats * stats);
2206 +
2207 +/* SONG STUFF */
2208 +
2209 +#define MPD_SONG_NO_TIME       -1
2210 +#define MPD_SONG_NO_NUM                -1
2211 +#define MPD_SONG_NO_ID         -1
2212 +
2213 +/* mpd_Song
2214 + * for storing song info returned by mpd
2215 + */
2216 +    typedef struct _mpd_Song {
2217 +       /* filename of song */
2218 +       char *file;
2219 +       /* artist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
2220 +       char *artist;
2221 +       /* title, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
2222 +       char *title;
2223 +       /* album, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
2224 +       char *album;
2225 +       /* track, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
2226 +       char *track;
2227 +       /* name, maybe NULL if there is no tag; it's the name of the current
2228 +        * song, f.e. the icyName of the stream */
2229 +       char *name;
2230 +       /* date */
2231 +       char *date;
2232 +
2233 +       /* added by qball */
2234 +       /* Genre */
2235 +       char *genre;
2236 +       /* Composer */
2237 +       char *composer;
2238 +       /* Performer */
2239 +       char *performer;
2240 +       /* Disc */
2241 +       char *disc;
2242 +       /* Comment */
2243 +       char *comment;
2244 +
2245 +       /* length of song in seconds, check that it is not MPD_SONG_NO_TIME  */
2246 +       int time;
2247 +       /* if plchanges/playlistinfo/playlistid used, is the position of the
2248 +        * song in the playlist */
2249 +       int pos;
2250 +       /* song id for a song in the playlist */
2251 +       int id;
2252 +    } mpd_Song;
2253 +
2254 +/* mpd_newSong
2255 + * use to allocate memory for a new mpd_Song
2256 + * file, artist, etc all initialized to NULL
2257 + * if your going to assign values to file, artist, etc
2258 + * be sure to malloc or strdup the memory
2259 + * use mpd_freeSong to free the memory for the mpd_Song, it will also
2260 + * free memory for file, artist, etc, so don't do it yourself
2261 + */
2262 +    mpd_Song *mpd_newSong(void);
2263 +
2264 +/* mpd_freeSong
2265 + * use to free memory allocated by mpd_newSong
2266 + * also it will free memory pointed to by file, artist, etc, so be careful
2267 + */
2268 +    void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song * song);
2269 +
2270 +/* mpd_songDup
2271 + * works like strDup, but for a mpd_Song
2272 + */
2273 +    mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song * song);
2274 +
2276 +
2277 +/* mpd_Directory
2278 + * used to store info fro directory (right now that just the path)
2279 + */
2280 +    typedef struct _mpd_Directory {
2281 +       char *path;
2282 +    } mpd_Directory;
2283 +
2284 +/* mpd_newDirectory
2285 + * allocates memory for a new directory
2286 + * use mpd_freeDirectory to free this memory
2287 + */
2288 +    mpd_Directory *mpd_newDirectory(void);
2289 +
2290 +/* mpd_freeDirectory
2291 + * used to free memory allocated with mpd_newDirectory, and it frees
2292 + * path of mpd_Directory, so be careful
2293 + */
2294 +    void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory);
2295 +
2296 +/* mpd_directoryDup
2297 + * works like strdup, but for mpd_Directory
2298 + */
2299 +    mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory * directory);
2300 +
2302 +
2303 +/* mpd_PlaylistFile
2304 + * stores info about playlist file returned by lsinfo
2305 + */
2306 +    typedef struct _mpd_PlaylistFile {
2307 +       char *path;
2308 +    } mpd_PlaylistFile;
2309 +
2310 +/* mpd_newPlaylistFile
2311 + * allocates memory for new mpd_PlaylistFile, path is set to NULL
2312 + * free this memory with mpd_freePlaylistFile
2313 + */
2314 +    mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_newPlaylistFile(void);
2315 +
2316 +/* mpd_freePlaylist
2317 + * free memory allocated for freePlaylistFile, will also free
2318 + * path, so be careful
2319 + */
2320 +    void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist);
2321 +
2322 +/* mpd_playlistFileDup
2323 + * works like strdup, but for mpd_PlaylistFile
2324 + */
2325 +    mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist);
2326 +
2328 +
2329 +/* the type of entity returned from one of the commands that generates info
2330 + * use in conjunction with mpd_InfoEntity.type
2331 + */
2332 +#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY         0
2333 +#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG              1
2335 +
2336 +/* mpd_InfoEntity
2337 + * stores info on stuff returned info commands
2338 + */
2339 +    typedef struct mpd_InfoEntity {
2340 +       /* the type of entity, use with MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_* to determine
2341 +        * what this entity is (song, directory, etc...)
2342 +        */
2343 +       int type;
2344 +       /* the actual data you want, mpd_Song, mpd_Directory, etc */
2345 +       union {
2346 +           mpd_Directory *directory;
2347 +           mpd_Song *song;
2348 +           mpd_PlaylistFile *playlistFile;
2349 +       } info;
2350 +    } mpd_InfoEntity;
2351 +
2352 +    mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void);
2353 +
2354 +    void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity);
2355 +
2357 +
2358 +/* use this function to loop over after calling Info/Listall functions */
2359 +    mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection * connection);
2360 +
2361 +/* fetches the currently seeletect song (the song referenced by status->song
2362 + * and status->songid*/
2363 +    void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2364 +
2365 +/* songNum of -1, means to display the whole list */
2366 +    void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
2367 +
2368 +/* songId of -1, means to display the whole list */
2369 +    void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songId);
2370 +
2371 +/* use this to get the changes in the playlist since version _playlist_ */
2372 +    void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist);
2373 +
2374 +/**
2375 + * @param connection: A valid and connected mpd_Connection.
2376 + * @param playlist: The playlist version you want the diff with.
2377 + * A more bandwidth efficient version of the mpd_sendPlChangesCommand.
2378 + * It only returns the pos+id of the changes song.
2379 + */
2380 +    void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist);
2381 +
2382 +/* recursivel fetches all songs/dir/playlists in "dir* (no metadata is
2383 + * returned) */
2384 +    void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *dir);
2385 +
2386 +/* same as sendListallCommand, but also metadata is returned */
2387 +    void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *dir);
2388 +
2389 +/* non-recursive version of ListallInfo */
2390 +    void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *dir);
2391 +
2393 +#define MPD_TABLE_ALBUM                MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM
2394 +#define MPD_TABLE_TITLE                MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE
2396 +
2397 +    void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table, const char *str);
2398 +
2399 +    void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table, const char *str);
2400 +
2402 +
2403 +/* use this function fetch next artist entry, be sure to free the returned
2404 + * string.  NULL means there are no more.  Best used with sendListArtists
2405 + */
2406 +    char *mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection * connection);
2407 +
2408 +    char *mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection * connection);
2409 +
2410 +    char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection * connection, int type);
2411 +
2412 +/* list artist or albums by artist, arg1 should be set to the artist if
2413 + * listing albums by a artist, otherwise NULL for listing all artists or albums
2414 + */
2415 +    void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table, const char *arg1);
2416 +
2418 +
2419 +    void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *file);
2420 +
2421 +    int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *file);
2422 +
2423 +    void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
2424 +
2425 +    void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
2426 +
2427 +    void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name);
2428 +
2429 +    void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name);
2430 +
2431 +    void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *name);
2432 +
2433 +    void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *from, const char *to);
2434 +
2435 +    void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2436 +
2437 +    void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2438 +
2439 +/* use this to start playing at the beginning, useful when in random mode */
2440 +#define MPD_PLAY_AT_BEGINNING  -1
2441 +
2442 +    void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
2443 +
2444 +    void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
2445 +
2446 +    void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2447 +
2448 +    void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int pauseMode);
2449 +
2450 +    void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2451 +
2452 +    void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2453 +
2454 +    void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int from, int to);
2455 +
2456 +    void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int from, int to);
2457 +
2458 +    void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song1, int song2);
2459 +
2460 +    void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song1, int song2);
2461 +
2462 +    void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song, int time);
2463 +
2464 +    void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song, int time);
2465 +
2466 +    void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int repeatMode);
2467 +
2468 +    void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int randomMode);
2469 +
2470 +    void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange);
2471 +
2472 +/* WARNING: don't use volume command, its depreacted */
2473 +    void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange);
2474 +
2475 +    void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int seconds);
2476 +
2477 +    void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path);
2478 +
2479 +/* returns the update job id, call this after a update command*/
2480 +    int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection * connection);
2481 +
2482 +    void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char *pass);
2483 +
2484 +/* after executing a command, when your done with it to get its status
2485 + * (you want to check connection->error for an error)
2486 + */
2487 +    void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2488 +
2489 +/* command list stuff, use this to do things like add files very quickly */
2490 +    void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection * connection);
2491 +
2492 +    void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection * connection);
2493 +
2494 +    void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection * connection);
2495 +
2496 +/* advance to the next listOk
2497 + * returns 0 if advanced to the next list_OK,
2498 + * returns -1 if it advanced to an OK or ACK */
2499 +    int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2500 +
2501 +    typedef struct _mpd_OutputEntity {
2502 +       int id;
2503 +       char *name;
2504 +       int enabled;
2505 +    } mpd_OutputEntity;
2506 +
2507 +    void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2508 +
2509 +    mpd_OutputEntity *mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection * connection);
2510 +
2511 +    void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId);
2512 +
2513 +    void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId);
2514 +
2515 +    void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity * output);
2516 +
2517 +/**
2518 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2519 + *
2520 + * Queries mpd for the allowed commands
2521 + */
2522 +    void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2523 +
2524 +/**
2525 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2526 + *
2527 + * Queries mpd for the not allowed commands
2528 + */
2529 +    void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2530 +
2531 +/**
2532 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2533 + *
2534 + * returns the next supported command.
2535 + *
2536 + * @returns a string, needs to be free'ed
2537 + */
2538 +    char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2539 +
2540 +    void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2541 +
2542 +    char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection * connection);
2543 +
2544 +    void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
2545 +
2546 +    char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection * connection);
2547 +
2548 +/**
2549 + * @param connection a MpdConnection
2550 + * @param path the path to the playlist.
2551 + *
2552 + * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist.
2553 + *
2554 + */
2555 +    void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path);
2556 +
2557 +/**
2558 + * @param connection a MpdConnection
2559 + * @param path the path to the playlist.
2560 + *
2561 + * List the content of a stored playlist.
2562 + *
2563 + */
2564 +    void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path);
2565 +
2566 +/**
2567 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2568 + * @param exact if to match exact
2569 + *
2570 + * starts a search, use mpd_addConstraintSearch to add
2571 + * a constraint to the search, and mpd_commitSearch to do the actual search
2572 + */
2573 +    void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int exact);
2574 +
2575 +/**
2576 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2577 + * @param type
2578 + * @param name
2579 + */
2580 +    void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int type, const char *name);
2581 +
2582 +/**
2583 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2584 + */
2585 +    void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection * connection);
2586 +
2587 +/**
2588 + * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
2589 + * @param type The type to search for
2590 + *
2591 + * starts a search for fields... f.e. get a list of artists would be:
2592 + * @code
2593 + * mpd_startFieldSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST);
2594 + * mpd_commitSearch(connection);
2595 + * @endcode
2596 + *
2597 + * or get a list of artist in genre "jazz" would be:
2598 + * @code
2599 + * mpd_startFieldSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST);
2600 + * mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE, "jazz")
2601 + * mpd_commitSearch(connection);
2602 + * @endcode
2603 + *
2604 + * mpd_startSearch will return  a list of songs (and you need mpd_getNextInfoEntity)
2605 + * this one will return a list of only one field (the one specified with type) and you need
2606 + * mpd_getNextTag to get the results
2607 + */
2608 +    void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int type);
2609 +
2610 +    void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection * connection, int exact);
2611 +
2612 +    void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection * connection);
2613 +
2614 +    void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *path);
2615 +
2616 +    void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *playlist, char *path);
2617 +
2618 +    void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *playlist, int from, int to);
2619 +
2620 +    void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char *playlist, int pos);
2621 +#ifdef __cplusplus
2622 +}
2623 +#endif
2624 +#endif