luci2: add LuCI2.UCIContext class, this proxies the remote uci state within the ui
[project/luci2/ui.git] / luci2 / htdocs / luci2 / view / system.startup.js
1 L.ui.view.extend({
2     title:'Startup'),
3     execute: function() {
4         var self = this;
5         var redraw = function() { return self.execute(); };
6         var allow_write = self.options.acls.startup;
8         return $.when(
9             L.system.initList().then(function(list) {
10                 /* filter init scripts with no start prio */
11                 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
12                 {
13                     if (typeof(list[i].start) != 'undefined')
14                         continue;
16                     list.splice(i--, 1);
17                 }
19                 var initTable = new L.ui.table({
20                     columns: [ {
21                         caption:'Start priority'),
22                         key:     'start'
23                     }, {
24                         caption:'Initscript'),
25                         key:     'name'
26                     }, {
27                         key:     'enabled',
28                         format:  function(v, n) {
29                             return [
30                                 $('<div />')
31                                     .addClass('btn-group pull-right')
32                                     .append($('<button />')
33                                         .attr('disabled', !allow_write)
34                                         .attr('name', list[n].name)
35                                         .addClass('btn btn-sm')
36                                         .addClass(v ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-danger')
37                                         .text(v ? L.trc('Init script state', 'Enabled') : L.trc('Init script state', 'Disabled'))
38                                         .click(function() {
39                                             L.ui.loading(true);
40                                             if (v)
41                                                 L.system.initDisable(this.getAttribute('name')).then(redraw);
42                                             else
43                                                 L.system.initEnable(this.getAttribute('name')).then(redraw);
44                                         }))
45                                     .append($('<button />')
46                                         .addClass('btn btn-primary btn-sm dropdown-toggle')
47                                         .attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown')
48                                         .attr('disabled', !allow_write)
49                                         .text('Action…')))
50                                     .append($('<ul />')
51                                         .addClass('dropdown-menu pull-right')
52                                         .append($('<li />')
53                                             .append($('<a />')
54                                                 .attr('href', '#')
55                                                 .text('Reload'))
56                                                 .click(function(ev) { L.system.initReload(v).then(redraw); ev.preventDefault(); })))
57                                         .append($('<li />')
58                                             .append($('<a />')
59                                                 .attr('href', '#')
60                                                 .text('Restart'))
61                                                 .click(function(ev) { L.system.initRestart(v).then(redraw); ev.preventDefault(); })))
62                                         .append($('<li />')
63                                             .append($('<a />')
64                                                 .attr('href', '#')
65                                                 .text('Stop'))
66                                                 .click(function(ev) { L.system.initStop(v).then(redraw); ev.preventDefault(); }))))
67                             ];
68                         }
69                     } ]
70                 });
72                 initTable.rows(list);
73                 initTable.insertInto('#init_table');
75                 L.ui.loading(false);
76             }),
77             L.system.getRcLocal().then(function(data) {
78                 $('textarea').val(data).attr('disabled', !allow_write);
79                 $('input.cbi-button-save').attr('disabled', !allow_write).click(function() {
80                     var data = ($('textarea').val() || '').replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/\n?$/, '\n');
81                     L.ui.loading(true);
82                     L.system.setRcLocal(data).then(function() {
83                         $('textarea').val(data);
84                         L.ui.loading(false);
85                     });
86                 });
87             })
88         );
89     }
90 });