local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local cursor = uci.cursor() if not cursor:get("wireless", "bridge") then cursor:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", "bridge", {device = "_", doth = "1", _niu = "1", mode = "sta", wds = "1"}) cursor:save("wireless") end local function deviceroute(self) cursor:unload("wireless") local d = cursor:get("wireless", "bridge", "device") if d ~= "none" then local nc = uci.cursor(nil, "") cursor:delete_all("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) return s.device == d and s._niu ~= "1" end) if nc:get("wireless", "bridge", "network") ~= cursor:get("wireless", "bridge", "network") then cursor:delete("wireless", "bridge", "network") end cursor:set("wireless", d, "disabled", 0) cursor:foreach("dhcp", "dhcp", function(s) if s.interface == "lan" and s.ignore ~= "1" then cursor:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "ignore", "1") end end) self:set_route("scan", "bridge", "bridgelan") else if cursor:get("wireless", "bridge", "network") then cursor:delete("wireless", "bridge", "network") cursor:foreach("dhcp", "dhcp", function(s) if s.interface == "lan" and s.ignore == "1" then cursor:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "ignore", "0") end end) self:set_route("lan") end end cursor:save("dhcp") cursor:save("wireless") end local d = Delegator() d.allow_finish = true d.allow_back = true d.allow_cancel = true d:add("device", "niu/wireless/brdevice") d:add("deviceroute", deviceroute) d:set("scan", "niu/network/wlanwanscan") d:set("bridge", "niu/network/wlanwan") d:set("bridgelan", "niu/network/lan1") d:set("lan", "niu/network/lan1") function d.on_cancel() cursor:revert("network") cursor:revert("wireless") cursor:revert("dhcp") end function d.on_done() if uci.inst_state:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr") ~= cursor:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr") then local cs = uci.cursor_state() cs:set("network", "lan", "_ipchanged", "1") cs:save("network") end if cursor:get("network", "lan", "proto") == "dhcp" then local emergv4 = cursor:get("network", "lan", "_emergv4") if emergv4 then if cursor:get("network", "lan_ea") then cursor:set("network", "lan_ea", "ipaddr", emergv4) else cursor:section("network", "alias", "lan_ea", { ipaddr = emergv4, netmask = "", network = "lan" }) end else cursor:delete("network", "lan_ea") end end cursor:commit("network") cursor:commit("wireless") cursor:commit("dhcp") end return d