--[[ nixio - Linux I/O library for lua Copyright 2009 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local table = require "table" local nixio = require "nixio" local type, ipairs, setmetatable = type, ipairs, setmetatable require "nixio.util" module ("nixio.fs", function(m) setmetatable(m, {__index = nixio.fs}) end) function readfile(path, limit) local fd, code, msg = nixio.open(path, "r") local data if not fd then return nil, code, msg end data, code, msg = fd:readall(limit) fd:close() return data, code, msg end function writefile(path, data) local fd, code, msg, stat = nixio.open(path, "w") if not fd then return nil, code, msg end stat, code, msg = fd:writeall(data) fd:close() return stat, code, msg end function datacopy(src, dest, size) local fdin, code, msg = nixio.open(src, "r") if not fdin then return nil, code, msg end local fdout, code, msg = nixio.open(dest, "w") if not fdout then return nil, code, msg end local stat, code, msg, sent = fdin:copy(fdout, size) fdin:close() fdout:close() return stat, code, msg, sent end function copy(src, dest) local stat, code, msg, res = nixio.lstat(src) if not stat then return nil, code, msg end if stat.type == "dir" then if nixio.stat(dest, type) ~= "dir" then res, code, msg = nixio.mkdir(dest) else stat = true end elseif stat.type == "lnk" then res, code, msg = nixio.symlink(nixio.readlink(src), dest) elseif stat.type == "reg" then res, code, msg = datacopy(src, dest) end if not res then return nil, code, msg end nixio.utimes(dest, stat.atime, stat.mtime) if nixio.lchown then nixio.lchown(dest, stat.uid, stat.gid) end if stat.type ~= "lnk" then nixio.chmod(dest, stat.modedec) end return true end function move(src, dest) local stat, code, msg = nixio.rename(src, dest) if not stat and code == nixio.const.EXDEV then stat, code, msg = nixio.copy(src, dest) if stat then stat, code, msg = nixio.unlink(src) end end return stat, code, msg end function mkdirr(dest, mode) if nixio.stat(dest, "type") == "dir" then return true else local stat, code, msg = nixio.mkdir(dest, mode) if not stat and code == nixio.const.ENOENT then stat, code, msg = mkdirr(nixio.dirname(dest), mode) if stat then stat, code, msg = nixio.mkdir(dest, mode) end end return stat, code, msg end end local function _recurse(cb, src, dest) local type = nixio.lstat(src, "type") if type ~= "dir" then return cb(src, dest) else local stat, se, code, msg, s, c, m = true, nixio.const.sep if dest then s, c, m = cb(src, dest) stat, code, msg = stat and s, c or code, m or msg end for e in nixio.dir(src) do if dest then s, c, m = _recurse(cb, src .. se .. e, dest .. se .. e) else s, c, m = _recurse(cb, src .. se .. e) end stat, code, msg = stat and s, c or code, m or msg end if not dest then -- Postfix s, c, m = cb(src) stat, code, msg = stat and s, c or code, m or msg end return stat, code, msg end end function copyr(src, dest) return _recurse(copy, src, dest) end function mover(src, dest) local stat, code, msg = nixio.rename(src, dest) if not stat and code == nixio.const.EXDEV then stat, code, msg = _recurse(copy, src, dest) if stat then stat, code, msg = _recurse(nixio.remove, src) end end return stat, code, msg end function remover(src) return _recurse(nixio.remove, src) end