skiplink1 = 'Skip to navigation' skiplink2 = 'Skip to content' navigation = 'Navigation' about = 'About' add = 'Add' addresses = 'Addresses' aliases = 'Aliases' all = 'all' back = 'back' administration = 'Administration' essentials = 'Essentials' apply = 'Apply' basicsettings = 'Basic Settings' broadcast = 'IPv4-Broadcast' cancel = 'Cancel' changes = 'Changes' channel = 'Channel' cidr6 = 'CIDR-Notation: address/prefix' code = 'Code' config = 'Configuration' configfile = 'Configuration file' confirmation = 'Confirmation' delete = 'Delete' descr = 'Description' design = 'Design' destination = 'Destination' device = 'Device' devices = 'Devices' disable = 'disable' distance = 'Distance' dmesg = 'Kernel Log' dnsserver = 'DNS-Server' edit = 'Edit' enable = 'enable' encryption = 'Encryption' error = 'Error' filesystem = 'Filesystem' filter = 'Filter' gateway = 'IPv4-Gateway' gateway6 = 'IPv6-Gateway' general = 'General' hostname = 'Hostname' install = 'Install' installed = 'installed' interface = 'Interface' interfaces = 'Interfaces' ipaddress = 'IPv4-Address' ip6address = 'IPv6-Address' legend = 'Legend' library = 'Library' logout = 'Logout' key = 'Key' language = 'Language' limit = 'Limit' load = 'Load' login = 'Login' macaddress = 'MAC-Address' manpage = 'see '%s' manpage' metric = 'Metric' mode = 'Mode' name = 'Name' netmask = 'IPv4-Netmask' network = 'Network' networks = 'Networks' none = 'none' notinstalled = 'not installed' ok = 'OK' options = 'Options' overview = 'Overview' packagemanager = 'Package Manager' password = 'Password' path = 'Path' port = 'Port' ports = 'Ports' proceed = 'Proceed' protocol = 'Protocol' reboot = 'Reboot' reset = 'Reset' revert = 'Revert' save = 'Save' saveapply = 'Save & Apply' scan = 'Scan' service = 'Service' services = 'Services' settings = 'Settings' size = 'Size' source = 'Source' start = 'Start' static = 'static' status = 'Status' statistics = 'Statistics' submit = 'Submit' syslog = 'System Log' system = 'System' target = 'Target' timezone = 'Timezone' type = 'Type' unknownerror = 'Unknown Error' unsavedchanges = 'Unsaved Changes' username = 'Username' version = 'Version' webui = 'Web UI' wifi = 'Wifi' zone = 'Zone'