Class luci.ip

LuCI IP calculation and netlink access library.


new (address, netmask) Construct a new luci.ip.cidr instance and autodetect the address family.
IPv4 (address, netmask) Construct a new IPv4 luci.ip.cidr instance.
IPv6 (address, netmask) Construct a new IPv6 luci.ip.cidr instance.
route (address) Determine the route leading to the given destination.
routes (filter, callback) Fetch all routes, optionally matching the given criteria.
neighbors (filter, callback) Fetches entries from the IPv4 ARP and IPv6 neighbour kernel table
link (device) Fetch basic device information


new (address, netmask)
Construct a new luci.ip.cidr instance and autodetect the address family. Throws an error if the given strings do not represent a valid address or if the given optional netmask is of a different family.


  • address: String containing a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, optionally with prefix size (CIDR notation) or netmask separated by slash.
  • netmask: String containing a valid IPv4 or IPv6 netmask or number containing a prefix size in bits (0..32 for IPv4, 0..128 for IPv6). Overrides mask embedded in the first argument if specified. (optional)


addr ="") 
addr ="") 
addr ="", "")        -- separate netmask 
addr ="", 16)                  -- override netmask 
addr6 ="fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17/64") 
addr6 ="fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::") 
addr6 ="fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17", "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::") 
addr6 ="fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17/64", 128) -- override netmask

Return value:

A luci.ip.cidr object representing the given address/mask range.

See also:

IPv4 (address, netmask)
Construct a new IPv4 luci.ip.cidr instance. Throws an error if the given string does not represent a valid IPv4 address or if the given optional netmask is of a different family.


  • address: String containing a valid IPv4, optionally with prefix size (CIDR notation) or netmask separated by slash.
  • netmask: String containing a valid IPv4 netmask or number containing a prefix size between 0 and 32 bit. Overrides mask embedded in the first argument if specified. (optional)


addr = luci.ip.IPv4("") 
addr = luci.ip.IPv4("") 
addr = luci.ip.IPv4("", "")        -- separate netmask 
addr = luci.ip.IPv4("", 16)                  -- override netmask

Return value:

A luci.ip.cidr object representing the given IPv4 range.

See also:

IPv6 (address, netmask)
Construct a new IPv6 luci.ip.cidr instance. Throws an error if the given string does not represent a valid IPv6 address or if the given optional netmask is of a different family.


  • address: String containing a valid IPv6, optionally with prefix size (CIDR notation) or netmask separated by slash.
  • netmask: String containing a valid IPv4 netmask or number containing a prefix size between 0 and 128 bit. Overrides mask embedded in the first argument if specified. (optional)


addr6 = luci.ip.IPv6("fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17/64") 
addr6 = luci.ip.IPv6("fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::") 
addr6 = luci.ip.IPv6("fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17", "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::") 
addr6 = luci.ip.IPv6("fe80::221:63ff:fe75:aa17/64", 128) -- override netmask

Return value:

A luci.ip.cidr object representing the given IPv6 range.

See also:

route (address)
Determine the route leading to the given destination.


  • address: A luci.ip.cidr instance or a string containing a valid IPv4 or IPv6 range as specified by


  • Find default gateway by getting route to Google's public NS server
    rt = luci.ip.route("") 
    if rt ~= nil then 
    	print("gateway is", 
  • Determine IPv6 upstream interface
    rt = luci.ip.route("2001::/7") 
    if rt ~= nil then 
    	print("ipv6 upstream device is", 

Return value:

Table containing the fields described below.


Route type with one of the following numeric values:

1 RTN_UNICAST - Gateway or direct route
2 RTN_LOCAL - Accept locally
3 RTN_BROADCAST - Accept locally as broadcast send as broadcast
4 RTN_ANYCAST - Accept locally as broadcast but send as unicast
5 RTN_MULTICAST - Multicast route
family Number containing the route family, 4 for IPv4 or 6 for IPv6
dest Destination luci.ip.cidr instance
gw Gateway luci.ip.cidr instance (optional)
from Source address luci.ip.cidr instance (optional)
src Preferred source luci.ip.cidr instance (optional)
dev String containing the name of the outgoing interface
iif String containing the name of the incoming interface (optional)
table Number of the associated routing table (0..65535)
proto Number of the associated routing protocol
scope Number describing the scope of the route, most commonly 0 for global or 253 for on-link
metric Number describing the route metric (optional)
expires Number of seconds the prefix is valid (IPv6 only, optional)
error Route destination error code (optional)

See also:

routes (filter, callback)
Fetch all routes, optionally matching the given criteria.


  • filter:

    Table containing one or more of the possible filter critera described below (optional)

    family Number describing the address family to return - 4 selects IPv4 routes, 6 IPv6 ones. Any other value selects both.
    iif String containing the incoming route interface to match.
    oif String containing the outgoing route interface to match.
    type Numeric type to match, e.g. 1 for unicast.
    scope Numeric scope to match, e.g. 253 for onlink.
    proto Numeric protocol to match, e.g. 2 for boot.
    table Numeric routing table to match (0..65535).
    gw String containing the gateway address to match. Can be in any notation specified by Prefix matching is performed when comparing the routes, e.g. "" would select routes with gateway addresses ..
    dest String containing the destination to match. Prefix matching is performed.
    from String containing the source address to match. Prefix matching is performed.
    src String containing the preferred source address to match. Prefix matching is performed.
    dest_exact String containing the destination to match. Exact matching is performed, e.g. dest = "" would match any IPv4 route while dest_exact = "" will only match the default route.
    from_exact String containing the source address to match. Exact matching is performed.
  • callback:

    Callback function to invoke for each found route instead of returning one table of route objects (optional)


  • Find all IPv4 default routes:
    luci.ip.routes({ dest_exact = "" }, function(rt) 
  • Find all global IPv6 prefixes on the current system:
    luci.ip.routes({ from = "2001::/7" }, function(rt) 
  • Fetch all IPv4 routes:
    routes = luci.ip.routes({ family = 4 }) 
    for _, rt in ipairs(routes) do 

Return value:

If no callback function is provided, a table of routes as specified by luci.ip.route() is returned. If a callback function is given, it is invoked for each route and nothing is returned.

See also:

neighbors (filter, callback)
Fetches entries from the IPv4 ARP and IPv6 neighbour kernel table


  • filter:

    Table containing one or more of the possible filter critera described below (optional)

    family Number describing the address family to return - 4 selects IPv4 ARP, 6 select IPv6 neighbour entries. Any other value selects both.
    dev String containing the associated interface to match.
    dest String containing the associated address to match. Can be in any notation specified by Prefix matching is performed when comparing the addresses, e.g. "" would select ARP entries for ..
    mac String containing MAC address to match.
  • callback:

    Callback function to invoke for each found neighbour entry instead of returning one table of neighbour entries (optional)


  • Find all ARP neighbours in the LAN:
    luci.ip.neighbors({ dest = "" }, function(n) 
    	print(n.dest, n.mac) 
  • Find all active IPv6 addresses of host with given MAC:
    luci.ip.neighbors({ family = 6, mac = "00:21:63:75:aa:17" }, 

Return value:

If no callback function is provided, a table of neighbour entries is returned. If a callback function is given, it is invoked for each entry and nothing is returned. A neighbour entry is a table containing the following fields:
family Number containing the neighbour entry family, 4 for IPv4 ARP or 6 for IPv6 NDP
dev String containing the associated device of the neighbour entry
dest IP address luci.ip.cidr instance
mac String containing the associated MAC address
router Boolean "true" if the neighbour entry is a router (IPv6, optional)
proxy Boolean "true" if this is a proxy entry (optional)
incomplete Boolean "true" if the entry is in incomplete state (optional)
reachable Boolean "true" if the entry is in reachable state (optional)
stale Boolean "true" if the entry is stale (optional)
delay Boolean "true" if the entry is delayed (optional)
probe Boolean "true" if the entry is in probe state (optional)
failed Boolean "true" if the entry is in failed state (optional)
noarp Boolean "true" if the entry is not caused by NDP or ARP (optional)
permanent Boolean "true" if the entry was statically configured from userspace (optional)
link (device)
Fetch basic device information


  • device: String containing the network device to query


  • Test whether device br-lan exists:
    print("br-lan").name ~= nil) 
  • Query MAC address of eth0:

Return value:

If the given interface is found, a table containing the fields described below is returned, else an empty table.
up Boolean indicating whether the device is in IFF_RUNNING state
type Numeric value indicating the type of the device, e.g. 1 for ethernet.
name String containing the name of the device
master If queried device is a bridge port, string containing the name of parent bridge device (optional)
mtu Number containing the current MTU of the device
qlen Number containing the TX queue length of the device
mac String containing the link local address of the device in dotted hex notation

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