--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2014 Christian Schoenebeck Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- require "nixio.fs" require "luci.sys" require "luci.dispatcher" require "luci.tools.ddns" -- show hints ? show_hints = not (luci.tools.ddns.check_ipv6() -- IPv6 support and luci.tools.ddns.check_ssl() -- HTTPS support and luci.tools.ddns.check_proxy() -- Proxy support and luci.tools.ddns.check_bind_host() -- DNS TCP support ) -- html constants font_red = [[]] font_off = [[]] bold_on = [[]] bold_off = [[]] -- cbi-map definition m = Map("ddns", translate("Dynamic DNS"), translate("Dynamic DNS allows that your router can be reached with " .. "a fixed hostname while having a dynamically changing " .. "IP address.")) -- read application settings date_format = m.uci:get(m.config, "global", "date_format") or "%F %R" run_dir = m.uci:get(m.config, "global", "run_dir") or "/var/run/ddns" -- SimpleSection definition -- show Hints to optimize installation and script usage -- only show if service not enabled -- or no IPv6 support -- or not GNU Wget and not cURL (for https support) -- or not GNU Wget but cURL without proxy support -- or not BIND's host if show_hints or not luci.sys.init.enabled("ddns") then s = m:section( SimpleSection, translate("Hints") ) -- DDNS Service disabled if not luci.sys.init.enabled("ddns") then local dv = s:option(DummyValue, "_not_enabled") dv.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "system", "startup") dv.rawhtml = true dv.title = bold_on .. translate("DDNS Autostart disabled") .. bold_off dv.value = translate("Currently DDNS updates are not started at boot or on interface events." .. "
" .. "You can start/stop each configuration here. It will run until next reboot.") end -- Show more hints on a separate page if show_hints then local dv = s:option(DummyValue, "_separate") dv.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "ddns", "hints") dv.rawhtml = true dv.title = bold_on .. translate("Show more") .. bold_off dv.value = translate("Follow this link" .. "
" .. "You will find more hints to optimize your system to run DDNS scripts with all options") end end -- SimpleSection definiton -- with all the JavaScripts we need for "a good Show" a = m:section( SimpleSection ) a.template = "ddns/overview_status" -- TableSection definition ts = m:section( TypedSection, "service", translate("Overview"), translate("Below is a list of configured DDNS configurations and their current state." .. "
" .. "If you want to send updates for IPv4 and IPv6 you need to define two separate Configurations " .. "i.e. 'myddns_ipv4' and 'myddns_ipv6'") ) ts.sectionhead = translate("Configuration") ts.template = "cbi/tblsection" ts.addremove = true ts.extedit = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "ddns", "detail", "%s") function ts.create(self, name) AbstractSection.create(self, name) luci.http.redirect( self.extedit:format(name) ) end -- Domain and registered IP dom = ts:option(DummyValue, "_domainIP", translate("Hostname/Domain") .. "
" .. translate("Registered IP") ) dom.template = "ddns/overview_doubleline" function dom.set_one(self, section) local domain = self.map:get(section, "domain") or "" if domain ~= "" then return domain else return [[]] .. translate("config error") .. [[]] end end function dom.set_two(self, section) local domain = self.map:get(section, "domain") or "" if domain == "" then return "" end local dnsserver = self.map:get(section, "dnsserver") or "" local use_ipv6 = tonumber(self.map:get(section, "use_ipv6") or 0) local force_ipversion = tonumber(self.map:get(section, "force_ipversion") or 0) local force_dnstcp = tonumber(self.map:get(section, "force_dnstcp") or 0) local command = [[/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh]] if not nixio.fs.access(command, "rwx", "rx", "rx") then nixio.fs.chmod(command, 755) end command = command .. [[ get_registered_ip ]] .. domain .. [[ ]] .. use_ipv6 .. [[ ]] .. force_ipversion .. [[ ]] .. force_dnstcp .. [[ ]] .. dnsserver local ip = luci.sys.exec(command) if ip == "" then ip = translate("no data") end return ip end -- enabled ena = ts:option( Flag, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) ena.template = "ddns/overview_enabled" ena.rmempty = false -- show PID and next update upd = ts:option( DummyValue, "_update", translate("Last Update") .. "
" .. translate("Next Update")) upd.template = "ddns/overview_doubleline" function upd.set_one(self, section) -- fill Last Update -- get/validate last update local uptime = luci.sys.uptime() local lasttime = tonumber(nixio.fs.readfile("%s/%s.update" % { run_dir, section } ) or 0 ) if lasttime > uptime then -- /var might not be linked to /tmp and cleared on reboot lasttime = 0 end -- no last update happen if lasttime == 0 then return translate("never") -- we read last update else -- calc last update -- os.epoch - sys.uptime + lastupdate(uptime) local epoch = os.time() - uptime + lasttime -- use linux date to convert epoch return luci.sys.exec([[/bin/date -d @]] .. epoch .. [[ +']] .. date_format .. [[']]) end end function upd.set_two(self, section) -- fill Next Update -- get enabled state local enabled = tonumber(self.map:get(section, "enabled") or 0) local datenext = translate("unknown error") -- formatted date of next update -- get force seconds local force_interval = tonumber(self.map:get(section, "force_interval") or 72) local force_unit = self.map:get(section, "force_unit") or "hours" local force_seconds = luci.tools.ddns.calc_seconds(force_interval, force_unit) -- get last update and get/validate PID local uptime = luci.sys.uptime() local lasttime = tonumber(nixio.fs.readfile("%s/%s.update" % { run_dir, section } ) or 0 ) if lasttime > uptime then -- /var might not be linked to /tmp and cleared on reboot lasttime = 0 end local pid = luci.tools.ddns.get_pid(section, run_dir) -- calc next update if lasttime > 0 then local epoch = os.time() - uptime + lasttime + force_seconds -- use linux date to convert epoch datelast = luci.sys.exec([[/bin/date -d @]] .. epoch .. [[ +']] .. date_format .. [[']]) end -- process running but update needs to happen if pid > 0 and ( lasttime + force_seconds - uptime ) < 0 then datenext = translate("Verify") -- run once elseif force_seconds == 0 then datenext = translate("Run once") -- no process running and NOT enabled elseif pid == 0 and enabled == 0 then datenext = translate("Disabled") -- no process running and NOT elseif pid == 0 and enabled ~= 0 then datenext = translate("Stopped") end return datenext end -- start/stop button btn = ts:option( Button, "_startstop", translate("Process ID") .. "
" .. translate("Start / Stop") ) btn.template = "ddns/overview_startstop" function btn.cfgvalue(self, section) local pid = luci.tools.ddns.get_pid(section, run_dir) if pid > 0 then btn.inputtitle = "PID: " .. pid btn.inputstyle = "reset" btn.disabled = false elseif (self.map:get(section, "enabled") or "0") ~= "0" then btn.inputtitle = translate("Start") btn.inputstyle = "apply" btn.disabled = false else btn.inputtitle = "----------" btn.inputstyle = "button" btn.disabled = true end return true end return m