-# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
config 6tunnel
- option tnlifname 'sixbone'
- # provide your tunnel providers' ipv4 address
- option remoteip4 ''
- # provide your public ipv4 address
+ option tnlifname 'sixbone'
+ # provide your tunnel providers' ipv4 address
+ option remoteip4 ''
+ # provide your public ipv4 address
option localip4 ''
# provide your local ipv6 address including prefix,
# eg. 2001:610::2/64
option localip6 ''
# provide your tunnel providers' ipv6 address excluding
# prefix, eg. 2001:610::1
- option remoteip6 ''
- # this should be a network prefix and gateway address
- # for your local lan eg 2001:610:1000:1/64
- option prefix '/64'
- # this should provide an mtu for your tunnel interface
- option mtu '1280'
- # this should provide a ttl for your tunnel interface
- option ttl '64'
+ option remoteip6 ''
+ # this should provide an mtu for your tunnel interface
+ option mtu '1280'
+ # this should provide a ttl for your tunnel interface
+ option ttl '64'
config_get localip4 "$section" localip4
config_get localip6 "$section" localip6
config_get remoteip6 "$section" remoteip6
- config_get prefix "$section" prefix
config_get ttl "$section" ttl
config_get mtu "$section" mtu
ip tunnel change $tnlifname ttl $ttl
ip addr add $localip6 dev $tnlifname
ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via $remoteip6
- ip -6 addr add $prefix dev $LAN
stop_service() {
config_get localip4 "$section" localip4
config_get localip6 "$section" localip6
config_get remoteip6 "$section" remoteip6
- config_get prefix "$section" prefix
config_get ttl "$section" ttl
config_get mtu "$section" mtu
- ip -6 addr del $prefix dev $LAN
ip -6 ro del 2000::/3 via $remoteip6
ip -6 ro del ::/0 dev $tnlifname
ip addr del $localip6 dev $tnlifname