#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenWrt.org START=99 STOP=10 SERVICE_DAEMONIZE=1 SERVICE_WRITE_PID=1 # igmpproxy supports both a debug mode and verbosity, which are very useful # when something isn't working. # # Debug mode will print everything to stdout instead of syslog. Generally # verbosity should NOT be set as it will quickly fill your syslog. # # Put any debug or verbosity options into IGMP_OPTS # # Examples: # OPTIONS="-d -v -v" - debug mode and very verbose, this will land in # stdout and not in syslog # OPTIONS="-v" - be verbose, this will write aditional information to syslog OPTIONS="" start() { service_start /usr/sbin/igmpproxy $OPTIONS /etc/igmpproxy.conf } stop() { service_stop /usr/sbin/igmpproxy }