--[[ Copyright 2011 Iordan Iordanov This file is part of luci-pbx. luci-pbx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. luci-pbx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with luci-pbx. If not, see . ]]-- if nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/asterisk") then server = "asterisk" elseif nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/freeswitch") then server = "freeswitch" else server = "" end modulename = "pbx-calls" voipmodulename = "pbx-voip" googlemodulename = "pbx-google" usersmodulename = "pbx-users" -- This function builds and returns a table with all the entries in a given "module" and "section". function get_existing_entries(module, section) i = 1 existing_entries = {} m.uci:foreach(module, section, function(s1) existing_entries[i] = s1 i = i + 1 end) return existing_entries end -- This function is used to build and return a table where the name field for -- every element in a table entries are the indexes to the table (used to check -- validity of user input. function get_valid_names(entries) validnames={} for index,value in ipairs(entries) do validnames[entries[index].name] = true end return validnames end -- This function is used to build and return a table where the defaultuser field for -- every element in a table entries are the indexes to the table (used to check -- validity of user input. function get_valid_defaultusers(entries) validnames={} for index,value in ipairs(entries) do validnames[entries[index].defaultuser] = true end return validnames end function is_valid_extension(exten) return (exten:match("[#*+0-9NXZ]+$") ~= nil) end m = Map (modulename, translate("Call Routing"), translate("This is where you indicate which Google/SIP accounts are used to call what \ country/area codes, which users can use which SIP/Google accounts, how incoming\ calls are routed, what numbers can get into this PBX with a password, and what\ numbers are blacklisted.")) -- Recreate the config, and restart services after changes are commited to the configuration. function m.on_after_commit(self) luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/pbx-" .. server .. " restart 1\>/dev/null 2\>/dev/null") luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/" .. server .. " restart 1\>/dev/null 2\>/dev/null") end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = m:section(NamedSection, "outgoing_calls", "call_routing", translate("Outgoing Calls"), translate("If you have more than one account which can make outgoing calls, you\ should enter a list of phone numbers and prefixes in the following fields for each\ provider listed. Invalid prefixes are removed silently, and only 0-9, X, Z, N, #, *,\ and + are valid characters. The letter X matches 0-9, Z matches 1-9, and N matches 2-9.\ For example to make calls to Germany through a provider, you can enter 49. To make calls\ to North America, you can enter 1NXXNXXXXXX. If one of your providers can make \"local\"\ calls to an area code like New York's 646, you can enter 646NXXXXXX for that\ provider. You should leave one account with an empty list to make calls with\ it by default, if no other provider's prefixes match. The system will automatically\ replace an empty list with a message that the provider dials all numbers. Be as specific as\ possible (i.e. 1NXXNXXXXXX is better than 1). Please note all international dial codes\ are discarded (e.g. 00, 011, 010, 0011). Entries can be made in a\ space-separated list, and/or one per line by hitting enter after every one.")) s.anonymous = true m.uci:foreach(googlemodulename, "gtalk_jabber", function(s1) if s1.username ~= nil and s1.name ~= nil and s1.make_outgoing_calls == "yes" then patt = s:option(DynamicList, s1.name, s1.username) -- If the saved field is empty, we return a string -- telling the user that this account would dial any exten. function patt.cfgvalue(self, section) value = self.map:get(section, self.option) if value == nil then return {"Dials any number"} else return value end end -- Write only valid extensions into the config file. function patt.write(self, section, value) newvalue = {} nindex = 1 for index, field in ipairs(value) do if is_valid_extension(value[index]) == true then newvalue[nindex] = value[index] nindex = nindex + 1 end end DynamicList.write(self, section, newvalue) end end end) m.uci:foreach(voipmodulename, "voip_provider", function(s1) if s1.defaultuser ~= nil and s1.host ~= nil and s1.name ~= nil and s1.make_outgoing_calls == "yes" then patt = s:option(DynamicList, s1.name, s1.defaultuser .. "@" .. s1.host) -- If the saved field is empty, we return a string -- telling the user that this account would dial any exten. function patt.cfgvalue(self, section) value = self.map:get(section, self.option) if value == nil then return {"Dials any number"} else return value end end -- Write only valid extensions into the config file. function patt.write(self, section, value) newvalue = {} nindex = 1 for index, field in ipairs(value) do if is_valid_extension(value[index]) == true then newvalue[nindex] = value[index] nindex = nindex + 1 end end DynamicList.write(self, section, newvalue) end end end) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = m:section(NamedSection, "incoming_calls", "call_routing", translate("Incoming Calls"), translate("For each provider that receives calls, here you can restrict which users to ring\ on incoming calls. If the list is empty, the system will indicate that all users\ which are enabled for incoming calls will ring. Invalid usernames will be rejected\ silently. Also, entering a username here overrides the user's setting to not receive\ incoming calls, so this way, you can make users ring only for select providers.\ Entries can be made in a space-separated list, and/or one per\ line by hitting enter after every one.")) s.anonymous = true m.uci:foreach(googlemodulename, "gtalk_jabber", function(s1) if s1.username ~= nil and s1.register == "yes" then field_name=string.gsub(s1.username, "%W", "_") gtalkaccts = s:option(DynamicList, field_name, s1.username) -- If the saved field is empty, we return a string -- telling the user that this account would dial any exten. function gtalkaccts.cfgvalue(self, section) value = self.map:get(section, self.option) if value == nil then return {"Rings all users"} else return value end end -- Write only valid user names. function gtalkaccts.write(self, section, value) users=get_valid_defaultusers(get_existing_entries(usersmodulename, "local_user")) newvalue = {} nindex = 1 for index, field in ipairs(value) do if users[value[index]] == true then newvalue[nindex] = value[index] nindex = nindex + 1 end end DynamicList.write(self, section, newvalue) end end end) m.uci:foreach(voipmodulename, "voip_provider", function(s1) if s1.defaultuser ~= nil and s1.host ~= nil and s1.register == "yes" then field_name=string.gsub(s1.defaultuser .. "_" .. s1.host, "%W", "_") voipaccts = s:option(DynamicList, field_name, s1.defaultuser .. "@" .. s1.host) -- If the saved field is empty, we return a string -- telling the user that this account would dial any exten. function voipaccts.cfgvalue(self, section) value = self.map:get(section, self.option) if value == nil then return {"Rings all users"} else return value end end -- Write only valid user names. function voipaccts.write(self, section, value) users=get_valid_defaultusers(get_existing_entries(usersmodulename, "local_user")) newvalue = {} nindex = 1 for index, field in ipairs(value) do if users[value[index]] == true then newvalue[nindex] = value[index] nindex = nindex + 1 end end DynamicList.write(self, section, newvalue) end end end) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = m:section(NamedSection, "providers_user_can_use", "call_routing", translate("Providers Used for Outgoing Calls"), translate("If you would like, you could restrict which providers users are allowed to use for outgoing\ calls. By default all users can use all providers. To show up in the list below the user should\ be allowed to make outgoing calls in the \"User Accounts\" page. Enter VoIP providers in the format\ username@some.host.name, as listed in \"Outgoing Calls\" above. It's easiest to copy and paste\ the providers from above. Invalid entries will be rejected silently. Also, any entries automatically\ change to this PBX's internal naming scheme, with \"_\" replacing all non-alphanumeric characters.\ Entries can be made in a space-separated list, and/or one per line by hitting enter after every\ one.")) s.anonymous = true m.uci:foreach(usersmodulename, "local_user", function(s1) if s1.defaultuser ~= nil and s1.can_call == "yes" then providers = s:option(DynamicList, s1.defaultuser, s1.defaultuser) -- If the saved field is empty, we return a string -- telling the user that this account would dial any exten. function providers.cfgvalue(self, section) value = self.map:get(section, self.option) if value == nil then return {"Uses all provider accounts"} else return value end end -- Cook the new values prior to entering them into the config file. -- Also, enter them only if they are valid. function providers.write(self, section, value) validvoip=get_valid_names(get_existing_entries(voipmodulename, "voip_provider")) validgoog=get_valid_names(get_existing_entries(googlemodulename, "gtalk_jabber")) cookedvalue = {} cindex = 1 for index, field in ipairs(value) do cooked = string.gsub(value[index], "%W", "_") if validvoip[cooked] == true or validgoog[cooked] == true then cookedvalue[cindex] = string.gsub(value[index], "%W", "_") cindex = cindex + 1 end end DynamicList.write(self, section, cookedvalue) end end end) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = m:section(TypedSection, "callthrough_numbers", translate("Call-through Numbers"), translate("Designate numbers which will be allowed to call through this system and which user's\ privileges it will have.")) s.anonymous = true s.addremove = true num = s:option(DynamicList, "callthrough_number_list", translate("Call-through Numbers")) num.datatype = "uinteger" p = s:option(ListValue, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) p:value("yes", translate("Yes")) p:value("no", translate("No")) p.default = "yes" user = s:option(Value, "defaultuser", translate("User Name"), translate("The number(s) specified above will be able to dial outwith this user's providers.\ Invalid usernames are dropped silently, please verify that the entry was accepted.")) function user.write(self, section, value) users=get_valid_defaultusers(get_existing_entries(usersmodulename, "local_user")) if users[value] == true then Value.write(self, section, value) end end pwd = s:option(Value, "pin", translate("PIN"), translate("Your PIN disappears when saved for your protection. It will be changed\ only when you enter a value different from the saved one. Leaving the PIN\ empty is possible, but please beware of the security implications.")) pwd.password = true pwd.rmempty = false -- We skip reading off the saved value and return nothing. function pwd.cfgvalue(self, section) return "" end -- We check the entered value against the saved one, and only write if the entered value is -- something other than the empty string, and it differes from the saved value. function pwd.write(self, section, value) local orig_pwd = m:get(section, self.option) if value and #value > 0 and orig_pwd ~= value then Value.write(self, section, value) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = m:section(NamedSection, "blacklisting", "call_routing", translate("Blacklisted Numbers"), translate("Enter phone numbers that you want to decline calls from automatically.\ You should probably omit the country code and any leading\ zeroes, but please experiment to make sure you are blocking numbers from your\ desired area successfully.")) s.anonymous = true b = s:option(DynamicList, "blacklist1", translate("Dynamic List of Blacklisted Numbers"), translate("Specify numbers individually here. Press enter to add more numbers.")) b.cast = "string" b.datatype = "uinteger" b = s:option(Value, "blacklist2", translate("Space-Separated List of Blacklisted Numbers"), translate("Copy-paste large lists of numbers here.")) b.template = "cbi/tvalue" b.rows = 3 return m